Systems Administrator
Expand the following sections to find links to the best Timegate Web videos () and notes (
) for your job role:
Note: When viewing the various links below, to return to this page from the page you are looking at, you will need to select the Return to previous page/Back button on your browser

Timegate Web Getting Started (P1)
What’s Timegate Web?
How do I log on to the FM Cloud version of Timegate Web?
How do I configure the way Timegate Web looks and works?
How do I navigate around Timegate Web?
How is Timegate Web structured?
What does Use Site Group Mode look like?
What does Hidden Site Group Mode look like?

Branch Set Up (P2)
How do I create a new Branch?
How do I determine what is Paid and what is Billed?
How’s Absence Managed at a Branch level?
Can I alter the Rate Gen Settings at a Branch level within the Web Client?
How do I set up a Holiday Schedule?
How can I set up Holidays at a Branch level?
How are Missed Calls Managed at a Branch level?
How can I enable Messaging for a Branch?
How do I set up Unique (User Defined) Fields for my company at a Branch level?

Site Group Set Up (P5)
Do I need to use Site Groups?
How do I make Site Groups visible?
How do I set up a Site Group?
How are Hour Types set up?
How are Column Headings set up?
How do I set up Pay Levels?
How can I set up Holidays in Site Groups and where should I do it?
How do I set up Call Monitor Views?
How do I set up a Geofence for my Site Group?
How do I set up User Fields for my Site Group?
How do I update User Fields for my Site Group?
How can I edit or view an existing Site Group?

Site Set Up (P6)
How are Hour Types set up?
How are Column Headings set up?
How do I set up Pay Levels?
How do I set up Auto Duty Create on a Site?
How do I create an Auto Duty Profile?
How do I set up User Fields for my Sites?
How do I update User Field values for my Site?
How do I set up Premiums?
What is a Site Budget?
How do I manually configure a Site Budget?
How do I automatically configure a Site Budget?

Messaging (P16)
What is messaging in Timegate Web?
How do I set up an audience for my messages?
How do I create a message Template?
How do I edit an Employee Portal email message Template?
How do I edit an Employee Portal E-Card?
How do I delete an Employee Portal E-Card?
How do I edit an Employee Portal E-Card Template?
How do I delete an Employee Portal E-Card Template?
How do I view messages?

Employee Portal Set Up (P17)
What is the Employee Portal?
Where can I access the Employee Portal settings?
How do I alter the Employee Portal general settings?
How do I brand the portal?
How can I select what buttons are on the Employee Portal?
How do I change the languages that are available for my users to select in the Employee Portal?
How do I set up videos?
Is it possible to restrict who sees what news?

- See all Employee App guides in Essentials Documents

Importing DTO (P23)
What is Importing in Timegate Web?
What is meant by DTO?
What can I do in the Import Data Take On screen?
How do I download a Template for DTO?
What is the format for the CSV DTO Template?
How do I undertake a DTO?
What can I do in the Payslips Import screen?
What should I name the PDF file that is used for creating payslips?
How do I change the delimiter to something other than a hash tag?
How do I upload a payslip/group of payslips?

Service (P28)
What is Service?
How can I set up the Incident functionality?
How do I set up Statuses?
How do I group statuses together?
How do I set up an Email Template?
How do I create an Incident Type?
How do I build a Service Profile?
How do I allocate a Service Profile to a site?
- What is a tour?
How can I set up the Tours functionality?
How do I set up Tour Failure Reasons?
How do I define Location Types?
How do I create and assign Locations to a site?
- How can I disable form questions at tour locations?
- How do I copy locations and tours for a new site?
What's a QR Code and how do I create them for my Service Locations?
Is there another way to set up locations?
How do I set up a tour for a site using my locations?
Can I provide employees with information when they arrive at a location?
How do I set up passed/failed tour alerting?
What is an audit?
How can I set up an audit?
How do I set up Audit Skipped Reasons?
How do I set up an audit for a site using my locations?
How do I copy locations and audits for a new site?
- How do I set up passed/failed audit alerting?
What are Themes?
What are Themes applied to?
How do I create a Theme?
Can I select any color?
How do I allocate a Theme to Timegate Web?

Forms (P30)
What are Forms?
Where are Forms used today in Timegate Web?
What’s the process for creating a form?
What is a Data Retention Policy and how do I set one up for use with forms?
How do I set up Lists?
How do I set up Template Images?
How do I set up Questions?
How do I design a form?
How do I score forms?
How are scores calculated?
How do I set up the ability for form questions to be not applicable?
What is an exception?
What are the various exceptions and the logic they support?
How do I create an exception for a question in a form?
How do I preview and publish a form?
How do I update a form?
How do I attached a form to an Incident?
How do I attach a form to a Service Profile?
How do I attach a form to a Tour?
How do I create a new form for an employee on duty (in the next 24 hours)?
How do I control the amount of historic data used when generating form related reports?

Outbound Calls (P31)
What are Outbound Calls?
Do Reverse Check Calls, Chase Calls and Escalation Calls all have to be configured together?
What needs to be configured in Timegate Web to use Outbound Calls?
Where do I define Site telephone numbers (CLID Number)?
Where do I define an employee’s mobile telephone number?
How do I define an adhoc Escalation Group?
What is a Reverse Check Call?
How do I set up a Reverse Check Call in an Outbound Call Settings Profile?
What is a Chase Call?
What is the process for setting up a Chase Call?
How do I set up Chase Calls in an Outbound Call Setting Profile?
What is an Escalation Call?
How do I set up my Escalation Calls in an Outbound Call Setting Profile?
How do I assign an Outbound Call Setting Profile to a site?
Do I need to set the SMS Alert Window in the Outbound Call Profiles?