How can I select what buttons are on the Employee Portal?
Help Desk Task Types, Links and Portal Menu are used to control the buttons that are shown on the Employee Portal.
Help Desk Task Types
Setting up Help Desk Task Types will be covered in more detail in a later section of this guide. To display a Help Desk Task Type within the Employee Portal:
Select Admin | Engagement | Help desk Task Types to open the page
Select the Help desk type by double clicking on it
To ensure task visibility in the portal, select Available in the Employee Portal
Select Save
Portal Links
To display a link to a web page within the Employee Portal:
Select Admin | Engagement | Portal Links to open the page
Select Add
Enter the details of a URL that you wish to link to
Select Save
Portal Menu
The Portal Menu settings page will allow you to control the menu options that are available within the Employee Portal, along with their Icon, text and the order that they are shown on screen:
Select Admin | Engagement | Portal Menu to open the page
Modify the icon settings (Text, Icon, Menu Order, Menu Visible). Menu Order determines the order that the icons will be shown on the screen. Select the Menu Visible check box to make it visible on the menu. Clear it to not show on the menu
Select Save