How can I enable Messaging for a Branch?

The following 1 min 34 sec clip explains how to enable the different types of automated messaging at a Branch level.

Timegate Web can be set up to send employees a text message or an email when roster changes, additions or removals happen.

  1. Go to the Messages tab (Set UpBranchesMessages)
  2. If you want to send emails or SMS messages (or both) to employees at the branch when their scheduled duties are changed, added or removed, use the box to select the message type. be aware that you need to buy SMS credits to send SMSs. Also, be aware that although the Allow Reply option is on screen, it will not provide any additional functionality. For Changed and Added duties, you can allow them to reply by selecting the Allow Reply check box.
  3. Your version of Timegate Web may not have this option. Your company has to pay extra for two-way messaging. If you do have this check box and you want to allow negative responses to be permitted (i.e. to enable the employee to reject the changes), select Negative Responses Permitted
  4. This option will only work with Timegate Web if your company has paid for the Event features (part of the E-Engage pack). Event Reminder Messages let you set the system up to automatically send out reminder emails to staff about events. To set up:
    • Select the box to enable reminder messages to be sent about events
    • Type in a number of days before the event that the reminder should be sent
    • Select from the list of Templates the one that will be used to remind employees of events
  5. Select Save
  6. To remove changes without saving them, select Refresh

Note: Some companies do not have all of the options shown, as much of the messaging functionality in Timegate Web is sold as an optional extra