What is an Escalation Call?

An Escalation Call is a call that will happen either independently of the other chase calls, following the failure of a reverse check call, or once a chase call has failed (i.e. the employee did not pick up the phone on the site or they did not answer their mobile. The escalation call looks to an adhoc escalation group which consists of up to 5 supervisors who are each called in turn until one of them acknowledges the call. For escalation calls, the recipients of the call will receive one of four prompts:

  • “An on call has been missed”
  • “A check call has been missed”
  • “An off call has been missed”
  • “A safety call has been missed”

The recipient of the escalation call will then hear the SIN and PIN numbers played back to them.

  • A further prompt will then be played; “ contact control. Press 1 to acknowledge”

  • If the recipient of the escalation pressed 1, they will hear a further prompt; "You have acknowledged the call”

  • If the recipient of the escalation presses any other key, they will hear the following; “You have chosen not to acknowledge the call”

  • Regardless of the key that they press, they will be thanked, and the call will end.