How do I score forms?
Customers using Forms can score the responses users enter into their forms.
Creating the form
This is done as follows:
Design your form considering what questions you wish to allot points to. Points can be allocated to Rating, Yes No, and List type questions
If you have list questions that you will use to score, create the lists. When creating the lists selected Scorable when setting up, and add the relevant Points to each of the Choices in your list (See How do I set up Lists?). Make sure you save your list(s) as you go along
Create your questions using a combination of Rating, Yes No, and Listtype questions to generate the score (See How do I set up Questions?). Other questions can be used but they will not count towards the score. When filling in the questions associated values, ensure that Scorable is selected. For List questions, select the appropriate pointed Lists. For YesNo enter a pointed value between 0 and 1 (to two decimal places) for each of Yes and No (0 can be a value). For Rating, the values will automatically be allocated (between 1 and 0). Make sure you save your questions as you go along
Now create/design your form in Timegate Web(See How do I design a form?). Select Scorable. Enter a Pass Mark as a percentage. Create your sections, giving them weightings. Add your Questions to the sections giving them weightings. Make sure you save your form. Weightings can be between 0 and 10 (limited to two decimal places). By default they are set to 1.
Your form is now ready to add to a tour or incident.
Adding the form to a tour
Create a tour/open an existing tour (See How do I set up a tour for a site using my locations?)
Select that the form is to be used on the tour
To ensure that the form is used to calculate a score, select Scorable Form
If you would like Passed Form Alerting and/or Failed Form Alerting configure this (remember to set up the associated Form Passed and Form Failed alert e-mail templates in Service | Email templates too)
Save tour
The system has been fully set up to score a form when a tour is undertaken
Adding the form to an incident
Forms are attached to incidents by selecting them when defining an Incident type within Admin | Service | Incident Types. Within How do I create an Incident Type? you will find step-by-step instructions about how to add a form to an incident type, for subsequent usage when defining an incident.