Forms (P30)
Welcome to the Forms (P30) part of the site.

What are Forms?
Where are Forms used today in Timegate Web?
How does an employee open a standalone form using Service Delivery?
How does an employee open a form within an Incident using Service Delivery?
How do I navigate through and complete Forms in the Employee App?
What’s the process for creating a form?
What is a data retention policy and how do I set one up for use with forms?
How do I score forms?
How do I set up Lists?
How do I set up Template Images?
How do I set up Questions?
How do I design a form?
How do I score forms?
How are scores calculated?
What is an exception?
What are the various exceptions and the logic they support?
How do I create an exception for a question in a form?
How do I set up the ability for form questions to be not applicable?
How do I preview and publish a form?
How do I update a form?
How do I attached a form to an Incident?
How do I attach a form to a Service Profile?
How do I attach a form to a Tour?
How do I score forms?
How do I create a new form for an employee on duty (in the next 24 hours)?
How do I control the amount of historic data used when generating form related reports?
Note: This functionality is purchased separately, it is not a standard part of Timegate Web