How do I create an exception for a question in a form?

Creating an exception to support a question response within a form involves:
Creating a question - to support an exception it must be of the type List, Selection List, Rating or Yes/No
Creating an exception list - these are the prompts within a list that comprises the exception
Adding the question to a form, configuring logic, including adding optional photographic evidence and comments, then enabling the exception
Previewing and publishing the form
In this section, we will create three questions to include on a form that will cover the various exception related options. The questions are:
Is the location secure?
On a scale of 1-4 how satisfied is the customer?
Which rooms need cleaning?

In the flowchart below, the question "Is the location secure?" is asked. The "If No then Raise Exception" logic is configured for this question. If the user gives an answer of "No" then they have to select a reason why from the five items listed. If they respond "Yes", they do not need to provide extra information
Question | Type | Response | Exception |
Is the location secure? |
Yes/No | Is No |
List (Insecure items) - Door unlocked/open, Window unlocked/open, Door damaged, Window damaged and Other. Photograph and Comment required. |
Creating the Insecure items exception list
From the Form Lists screen (Admin | Forms | Lists) follow these steps to create the Insecure Items exception list as shown above:
Select Add
Enter the list Name: Insecure items
Enter a Description for the List: Check list of insecure items
Select for this List to be Active. Active lists can be seen in Timegate Web when creating a question. Inactive (i.e. non-selected) Lists are invisible until selected
Select Add to add new Choices for the List e.g. Door unlocked/open
Enter the Choice that you want displayed
Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the remaining 4 choices:
Window unlocked/open
Door damaged
Window damaged
Check your list and when ready, select Save
Creating the question
From the Form Question screen (Admin | Forms | Questions) follow these steps to create the Is the location secure?question as shown above:
Select Add
Select Type: Yes/No
Enter the Name of the question: Location Secure
Enter the Question text: Is the location secure?
Optionally enter some Help Text to aid in the completion of the question
Select Active
Select Save
Adding the question to a form and enabling the exception
From an existing form, locate the form from within the Service Forms page (Admin | Forms | Service Forms):
Select the form to open it
From within the form, locate the Question section and find your question (Is the location secure?). If it is not displayed on screen, use the search option to locate it:
Drag the Location Secure question onto Sections as shown:
Select Logic to open the Logic settings:
Change If answer from Is Yes to Is No
Select Insecure items for the Exception list:
Ensure Required evidencePhoto and Comment are both enabled
Select OK
Select Save

In the flowchart below, the question "On a scale of 1-4 how satisfied is the customer?" is asked. The "If answer less than or equal to 2 then Raise Exception" logic is configured for this question. If the user gives an answer of "1" or "2" then they have to select a reason why from the four items listed. If they respond "3" or "4", they do not need to provide extra information
Question | Type | Response | Exception |
On a scale of 1-4 how satisfied is the customer? | Rating | less than or equal to 2 |
List (Dissatisfied) - Poor service, Late, Poor service and late, and Other. |
Creating the exception list
From the Form Lists screen (Admin | Forms | Lists) follow these steps to create the Dissatisfied list as shown above:
Select Add
Enter the list Name: Dissatisfied
Enter a Description for the List: Selection list for dissatisfied choices
Select the List to be Active
Select Add to add a new Choice
Enter the firstChoice: Poor service
Repeat steps 5 and 6 adding the following choices: Late, Poor service and late, and Other
Check your list and when ready, select Save
Creating the question
From the Form Question screen (Admin | Forms | Questions) follow these steps to create the On a scale of 1-4 how satisfied is the customer?question as shown above:
Select Add
Select Type: Rating
Enter the Name of the question: How satisfied is the customer
Enter the Question text: On a scale of 1-4 how satisfied is the customer?
Optionally enter some Help Text to aid in the completion of the question
Select Active
Enter Minimum Rating: 1
Enter Maximum Rating: 4
Select Save
Adding the question to a form and enabling the exception
From an existing form, locate the form from within the Service Forms page (Admin | Forms | Questions):
Select the form to open it
From within the form, locate the Question section and find your question (How satisfied is the customer). If it is not displayed on screen, use the search option to locate it:
Drag the How satisfied is the customer question onto Sections as shown:
Select Logic to open the Logic settings:
Change If answer from greater than 1 to less than or equal to 2
Select Dissatisfied for the Exception list:
Select OK
Select Save

In the flowchart below, the question "Which room needs cleaning?" is asked. Several rules have been applied:
If answer is R1 then Raise Exception 1
If answer is R2 then Raise Exception 2 and request a photograph along with comments
If answer is R3 then there are no exceptions
If answer is R4 then Raise Exception 1 and enter comments
Responses 1, 2 and 4 all trigger exceptions. If 3 is selected, no exception is triggered - no additional response or evidence is required. A user can submit multiple responses, each response for 1, 2 and 4 resulting in different exception lists being used to prompt for information along with differing levels of evidence. If a user were for example to enter 1, 2 and 3 for example, they must provide an answer to "Why did you answer R1 to which room needs cleaning?" from the R1 and R4 mandatory selection list. They must then provide an answer to "Why did you answer R2 to which room needs cleaning?" from the R2 mandatory selection list along with a photograph and comment. Their R3 response doesn't require any exception evidence so they need not provide any further information to justify their answer for that question.
Question | Type | Response | Exception |
Which rooms need cleaning? |
Selection list (Rooms) | Is R1 |
List (Reason for clean toilet) - Floors wet, Handwash spillage, and Tiles dirty. No additional evidence required |
Is R2 |
List (Reason for clean toilet) - Floors wet, Handwash spillage, and Tiles dirty. Photograph and Comment required. |
Is R4 |
List (Reason for clean) - Litter, Floors dirty, and Bins overflowing. Comment required. |
Creating the exception lists
From the Form Lists screen (Admin | Forms | Lists) follow these steps to create the Reason for clean list as shown above:
Select Add
Enter the list Name: Reason for clean
Enter a Description for the List: Selection list for reason a clean was needed
Select the List to be Active
Select Add to add a new Choice
Enter the firstChoice: Litter
Repeat steps 5 and 6 adding the following choices: Floors dirty,and Bins overflowing
Check your list and when ready (it should look like the example below):
Select Save
Follow the same steps 1 through 8 above to create the Reason for clean toilet list as shown above, using these values:
Name: Reason for clean toilet
Description: Selection list for reason the toilet Reason for clean toilet
Choices: Floors wet, Handwash spillage, and Tiles dirty.
Check your list and when ready (it should look like the example below) then save it:
Create a list for the question
Create a list to provide four room options to choose from within the question. The values will be as follows:
Creating the question
In the same way that you created previous questions (see examples above), create a question for "Which room needs cleaning". Ensure that it is configured as follows:
Adding the question to a form and enabling the exception
From within an open form (Admin | Forms | Service Forms), locate the question and add it into the form. Your screen will look as shown:
Enabling and configuring the Logic
Configure the logic a shown in the screen shot below (use Add Logic Rule to bring up extra fields on the screen for the three different logic selections added):
Once configured, select OK and then Save the form ready to preview it