How are Column Headings set up?

The following 1 min 14 sec clip shows you how to set up Column Headings in the context of Site Groups:

The following 0 min 57 sec clip shows you how to set up Column Headings in the context of Sites:

The following steps talk you through this process for either a Site or Site Group:
  • Select Admin | Finance.
  • From the Post Pay column, select Column Headings.
  • The Column Headings page is shown below:

Follow the instructions to set up your Column Headings:

  1. Select New
  2. Enter the Column Number, Column Name (that will be displayed on screen) and whether it is a Pay Column. Repeat this step until you have Column Names set up for each column
  3. Select Save
  4. To delete a Column Heading, select the appropriate Trash icon, next to the row you wish to delete
  5. To remove changes without saving them, select Refresh