How do I set up biometrics?

Adding a new biometric device

To add a device:

  • Select Manage | Devices.
  • Select to add a new device.
  • Enter the various device values using the information provided in the table below
  • Select Save:

Device Values

Value Description



Select the device type of choice from the drop down list

Device ID


The unique biometric device number which must have a leading space then five zeros

Device Group


If you group your devices you can select this (generally not used)

Assign Location


When not selected, the field Default Location below is available for selection. If selected, the option to use Site Group is available instead of Default Location. By selecting Assign to Location, if when a device is used to log onto a duty, if the duty cannot be found (i.e. is adhoc) it will be assigned to the Default Location. If the Default Location selected is configured with Auto Duty Create, all duties sent to the Default Location will be automatically created


Default Location


The location that all duties without SINs (i.e. adhoc duties) will be directed to if a specific Site or Site Group has not been configured


Use Site Group


Select to enable the Site Group option below. Otherwise, the Site option will be shown


Site Group


If required, select your Site Group from those options provided - this is specific to your implementation




If required, select from the options provided - this is specific to your implementation




Short description of the device


Single or Multi?

All Biometric Devices are configured to your specifications. We add a file, which determines the length of your PIN and SIN, and how they are configured in Timegate Web. This file can either be Single or Multi:

  • Single for Employees who use one device at one location - you will have to configure the Site Group/Card above if this option is being used. When employees book on they use their finger print
  • Multi for Employee who use more than one device OR if you have different Employee roles and the device determines which role i.e. for a Cleaner they could put in Site 001 and then on the same device a Security Officer could be Site 002 but they can clock in/out on the same device - In Timegate Web you will not have to assign the a Site Group/Card if this option is being used. When employees book on, they use their finger print and enter a SIN

Guidance for devices used in locations with both scheduled and adhoc duties

If you have lots of employees going through the doors to sign on at the same time and don’t want your employees to have to enter a SIN when booking onto duties, Timegate Web can now be set up to support the situation without generating lots of arbitrations. Some of these duties may be scheduled, whilst some may be adhoc (employees turn up, swipe and expect duties to be created for them.) Timegate Web can be set up so that if there is a scheduled duty for an employee, it will match to the site. If there is no scheduled duty, Timegate Web can, when configured correctly create a duty for the employee.

If a device has a default location rather than an assigned location, if a duty cannot be found for a PIN, it will be assigned to the default location. If the default location has been set up to auto duty create, a duty will be created. If the default location has not been set up to auto duty create, and a duty is not present for the employee, an arbitration will be created for the PIN at the default location.

The Device can be set up to a Location (Site or Site Group) using the Assign to Location option or can be left to a Default Location.

Third Party PIN and Third Party SIN set up

All Employees that are going to be using the biometric devices need to have their Third Party PIN set up. If a Site has been set up as Multi, the Site will need to have it’s Third Party SIN set up.

Third Party PIN (Employee) set up

Open the Set Up | Employee page:

  1. Select the Employee that you wish to set up by selecting the i next to their name.

  2. Select the User Fields tab (by default, the General tab will load when Step 1 above is completed)

  1. Next to the Third Party PIN, User Field, enter the Employee Number for your employee for example in 0001

  1. Select Save

Third Party SIN (Sites) set up

Open the Set Up | Sites page:

  1. Select the Site that you wish to set up by selecting the i next to it’s name

  2. Select the User Fields tab (by default, the General tab will load when Step 1 above is completed)

  1. Next to the Third Party SIN, User Field, enter the SIN Number for your site for example in 00117

  1. Select Save