Absence (P33)
Select items below for detailed videos () and notes ()
Want more detail?
- What is the Absence Module?
- Why use the Absence Module?
- What makes up the Absence Process?
- How does Absence align to the Security Model?
- How do I carry forward Holiday Entitlement?
- How do I configure the Absence General Settings?
- How do I configure Statutory Sick Pay?
- How do I add a new Diary Event page?
- How do I view Absence Diary Events?
- How are Shift Patterns created?
- What is a Derived Shift Pattern?
- What is a Defined Shift Pattern?
- Which should I use, a Derived or a Defined Shift Pattern?
- How are Entitlement Methods Calculated?
- How are hours and rates calculated for different payment methods in rules?
- What is an Occurrence in relation to an absence rule?
- Do I need a Service Based or Fixed Entitlement rule?
- What is Overnight Balance and Diary Event Re-Rate Generation Processing?
- How do I find/view/edit/set up an Absence Rules?
- How do I set up a Service Based Rule?
- How do I set up a Fixed Entitlement Rule?
- What do the different values mean when setting up an Absence Rule?
- What are the default Absence settings at a Branch Level?
- How do I assign an Absence Rule to an Employee?
- What Absence reports are there available?
Note: This functionality is purchased separately, it is not a standard part of Timegate Web