Absence (P33)
Select items below for detailed videos () and notes (

What is the Absence Module?
Why use the Absence Module?
What makes up the Absence Process?
How does Absence align to the Security Model?
How do I carry forward Holiday Entitlement?
How do I configure the Absence General Settings?
How do I configure Statutory Sick Pay?
How do I add a new Diary Event page?
How do I view Absence Diary Events?
How are Shift Patterns created?
What is a Derived Shift Pattern?
What is a Defined Shift Pattern?
Which should I use, a Derived or a Defined Shift Pattern?
How are Entitlement Methods Calculated?
How are hours and rates calculated for different payment methods in rules?
What is an Occurrence in relation to an absence rule?
Do I need a Service Based or Fixed Entitlement rule?
What is Overnight Balance and Diary Event Re-Rate Generation Processing?
How do I find/view/edit/set up an Absence Rules?
How do I set up a Service Based Rule?
How do I set up a Fixed Entitlement Rule?
What do the different values mean when setting up an Absence Rule?
What are the default Absence settings at a Branch Level?
How do I assign an Absence Rule to an Employee?
What Absence reports are there available?
Note: This functionality is purchased separately, it is not a standard part of Timegate Web