Duty Monitoring & Management (P10)
The following 1 min 07 sec clip talks you through at a high-level what Call Monitor is. It also shows you how to access Call Monitor, sort the content displayed and access the Legend. The legend will show you what all of the different colors on screen mean:

The following pages put into context what Call Monitor is, along with how you can access it easily:
What is Call Monitor?
How do I access the Call Monitor?
How do I manually take an ON call outside of the pre/post pay window?
How do I manually take an ON/OFF or Check call inside of the pre/post pay window?
How do I manage duress calls?
How do I fill an open post?
How do I edit calls?
How do I view and interrogate T&A data?
What are maps?
How do I access maps?
How do I use maps and what are the different markers?
How do I play a duty using a map?