Forms: Overview

If your company has licensed Service Delivery functionality for Timegate Web, you will be able to take advantage of the Forms tool.


As you can see above, Forms functionality enables you to:

  • Create backgrounds to annotate the answer(s) to a question. An example of a Template Image could be a line drawing of car, that when hiring a courtesy car could be used to annotate damage on collection and return of the vehicle

  • Construct simple Forms, using the Questions that you create. Forms comprise one or more Questions, which can optionally be scored and weighted against other questions within other sections of the form. Moreover, exceptions can be built into these forms whereby if a user gives a certain answer to a question, they will be presented with a further selection question (and optionally the opportunity to provide comments or a photograph) to justify their selection

  • Associate the Forms to activities in Timegate Web, maximising business value through collection of key information

  • Using the Forms Designer, you will be able to configure elements such as the Form Header Text and which, if any Questions are mandatory within a Section. A Data Retention Policy must also be applied to your form when you design it, to ensure that data is only retained for as long as is necessary (to comply with GDPR)

  • You will then be able to preview your form and publish it. When published, your Form can be used in association with Service Profiles and Incident Types. In the future, TEAM Software will be introducing further places where you can use your forms.

  • The Forms will be available for completion on mobile devices and viewable from within Timegate Web. These may be standalone forms or allocated to Tours and / or Audits (See Set Up | Sites | Services for more information).

  • Multiple versions of Forms can be created and published at different times and dates. Answers to Questions on Forms will always remain linked to the version of the Question on the form that was answered. This is regardless of whether Questions or the whole Form has changed. As an example, imagine that you have created a Form with a single Question, “What is your name?” Various users complete this Form and submit their results back to Timegate Web. Later you make changes to the text of this Question. You change it to, “What is your last name?” Any results already submitted will still reference back to the original, “What is your name?” version – keeping your data meaningful. All new responses will relate to the newest form.

  • It is key to understand that when you have published a form, it is published. It doesn’t change. To change a form, you must publish a new version.

In the following sections of this help, you will be walked through the various steps that need to be followed to get the most out of the functionality. Within the Service Forms section, you will find an end-to-end summary of how to create and publish a Form, covering all the steps.