How do I arbitrate in the Duty view?

The following 0 min 49 sec clip shows you how to arbitrate from within Duty View:

Arbitration from within the Duty view (accessed using short cut)

The following steps will enable you to arbitrate unarbitrated duties:

  1. Select Arbitrations from the main Timegate Web screen (if you do not have this button you will need to configure the screen - Settings Cogs (User Settings)from the top right-hand side of the screen where this can be made visible)
  2. Select the individual duty that you wish to arbitrate (you can select multiple by selecting Select All - step 5)
  3. Enter Pay Start time
  4. Enter Pay Finish time (the scroll across and do the same Bill Start and Bill Finish times)
  5. Select Select All to make bulk arbitrations
  6. Select Copy Actuals to copy the actual hours into the pay and bill fields of the records selected
  7. Select Copy Scheduled to copy the scheduled hours into the pay and bill fields of the records selected
  8. Select Copy Operational to copy the operational hours into the pay and bill fields of the records selected
  9. Select Arbitrate

Arbitration from within the Duty view (using the Duty Filter Wizard)

There are several different ways to search for duties using the Duty Filter Wizard, which is launched when you open the Manage | Duties or Plan | Duties pages or select New Search within the Duty Filter results page. These are by Employees, Site, Date Range, Duty Types, Pay and Bill and Events. By default, when the Duty Filter Wizard is launched, the Employees screen is opened as shown:

From the screen, you can search for duties as follows:

  1. Select the filter you wish to apply for your search from the choices of Employees, Site, Date Range, Duty Types, Pay and Bill and Events
  2. Using the radio buttons, boxes, pop up selection boxes and buttons, set your filtering criteria
  3. Select how you wish to view your results:
    • All Duties (No Grouping) - This is the default for running a filter without specifying a grouping
    • All Duties/Diary Events (Grouped by Employee) - This option allows you to group a filter by Employee
    • All Duties (Grouped by Site Card) - This option allows you to group by Sites
  4. Select Search to start filtering/searching duties which will be shown in the Duties View

Once the results have launched in the Duties View:

  • Select the individual duty that you wish to arbitrate
  • Enter Pay Start time
  • Enter Pay Finish time (the scroll across and do the same Bill Start and Bill Finish times)
  • Select Select All to make bulk arbitrations
  • Select Copy Actuals to copy the actual hours into the pay and bill fields of the records selected
  • Select Copy Scheduled to copy the scheduled hours into the pay and bill fields of the records selected
  • Select Copy Operational to copy the operational hours into the pay and bill fields of the records selected
  • Select Arbitrate