How do I view the diary in Weekly/Monthly/Yearly Views?
The following 1 min 09 sec clip talks you through how to view the diary in the various views:
The following section explains how you can view the diary in the various views:

Every employee has a Weekly Diary. Select Plan, then select Diary:
- Next select Weekly
- To choose an employee, select Select Employee from the tool bar. This will provide a pick-list of all the employees in the system.
- Select the employees name whose diary you wish to view (you can select multiple employees). A tick will appear next to each selected name.
- Select Save
The diary will now be shown on screen

Every employee has a Monthly Diary. Select Plan, then select Diary:
- Next select Monthly
- To choose an employee, select Select Employee from the tool bar. This will provide a pick-list of all the employees in the system.
- Select the employees name whose diary you wish to view (you can select multiple employees). A tick will appear next to each selected name.
- Select Save
The diary will now be shown on screen

Every employee has a Yearly Diary. Select Plan, then select Diary:
- Next select Yearly
- To choose an employee, select Select Employee from the tool bar. This will provide a pick-list of all the employees in the system.
- Select the employees name whose diary you wish to view (you can select multiple employees). A tick will appear next to each selected name.
- Select Save
The diary will now be shown on screen

Yes - select your diary view that you wish to go to from the three view buttons on the diary page that you are on to switch