How do I add a Duty?
The following video demonstrates how to set up a Holiday Schedule.

There are a variety of ways of adding a duty from the different scheduling screens. They are as follows:
- Select an empty post/slot and then select the Add a Duty
- Double click with the left-hand mouse button onto the empty post/slot
- Select an empty post/slot and then click with the right-hand mouse button, selecting Add a duty
Note: Not all methods of accessing the Add a Duty Wizard work on all screens
When the Duty Wizard is loaded, it opens the Overview screen.

In order to create a duty you need to complete the following details on this screen initially:
Flexible Duty
Regular Duty
- Check that the details are correct, along with the Slot/Slot From and No of Slots - modify the slot details as necessary
- If you wish for the shift to be flexible between two given times, select Flexible Shift? A Flexible Shift has a flexible start and finish time, but is allocated a number of hours within a given window of time for example a shift must be two hours long between 09:00 and 15:00 hours on 21 June 2018. When ticked, the To field is replaced with a Completed By field. See Flexible shifts below for more information
- Select either:
- Default Times from the drop-down list
- or complete the From and To or Complete By dates and times (depending upon whether flexible or not) along with the Duration
- Select the Hour Type and Pay Level from the drop-down lists
- Enter the Unpaid Meal Break Duration and Unbilled Meal Break Duration (in HH:MM format) as required
- Select
to add an Employee or,
- Select Create Duty if you do not wish to add an Employee, add Premiums or any further information to the screen. Select Create Duty to save the duty and return you to the previous scheduling screen

A flexible shift is one that can be added to the schedule or adhoc type scheduling. It is very useful where the employee only works a few hours within a contracted duty time. for example an employee works a two-hour shift at some point between 08:00 PM and 07:00 AM

When you create a flexible shift, the start and end dates you enter will indicate the overall time window in which the duty can be worked. In the example above, you would:
- Select Flexible Shift?
- Enter the From time of 20:00
- Enter the Complete By time of 07:00 (defining the overall window)
- Enter 02:00 for Duration
If a single cell in the site view is selected when Duty Add is selected, then Slot changes to Slot From. No. of Slots will appear underneath, containing a list of numbers from 1 to the maximum slots in the system. You can change this default from “1” to “10” (for example) and when Create Duty is selected, multiple duties will be created from the starting slot to the number of selected slots. Where a duty already exists in a slot, this is skipped and the duty is created in the next available slot.

Ticking the Flexible Shift check box will result in several things will happening:
- The To label will change to Complete By
- A new label (Duration) and Time selection will appear to the right of the Complete By date/time fields.
When a normal (i.e. non-flexible shift is created), this duration field will show the calculated duration based on the start and finish times and will not be editable.

Currently, when creating a manual duty, it will be created in the slot that you selected. If the week is then subsequently Rotaloaded, the manual duty will be moved to the right to make room for the contracted duty. The slot heading is also changed to say Conflicting Duty.
If a slot is due to hold a contracted duty, a new piece of text is displayed (Contracted Duty) next to the Post name in the drop-down list. You then have the choice of still using that slot, or selecting the next available one that will not hold a contracted duty.
If the user chooses a Number of Slots other than 1, when Save is selected, two checks are performed:
If a duty is already occupying a slot, then the processing will move over this slot and create the duty in the next available slot
If a slot is marked as a contracted duty slot, the processing will move over this slot.