How can I Roll Back Schedules?

The following 0 min 33 sec clip shows you how to roll back schedules and avoid manual rotaloading:

Schedules can be rolled back (or UnRotaloaded, from within Plan | Sites. Select the site that you wish to UnRotaload. Select UnRotaLoad from the toolbar. The following screen options will be shown, that will enable you to roll back the RotaLoad (i.e. duties that have been scheduled on a site can be removed):

  • Select the dates that you wish to roll back to
  • Select Allow Advanced Rollback if you wish to roll back the current weeks duties from the schedule
  • Select UnRotaLoad. The system will undo the schedule selected for the site

Note: The operation can only be performed on future duties. It cannot be used to remove duties that are historical or fall before the current date/time unless the Allow Advanced Roll Back check box is selected.