How are Employee Duties swapped across the same Sites?

The following 0 min 40 sec clip shows you how to swap employees duties (in the same site):

Duties can be swapped across the same site from several places, including Plan | Sites, Plan | Branches and Manage | Duties. To swap employees:

  • Select the two duties whereby you wish to swap employees:
    • Select the first duty
    • Hold [CTRL]
    • Select the second duty
  • Now either:
    • Click with the right mouse button and select Swap Employees (Plan | Sites and Plan | Branches and Manage | Duties)
    • Or select the Swap Employees icon from the tool bar (Plan | Sites and Plan | Branches)
    • Or select Swap Employees from the menu bar (Manage | Duties)
  • Check the Swap details and alter the Hour Type and Pay Level
  • Select Comments
  • Select Swap Employees