How are Duties split?

The following 1 min 05 sec clip shows you how to split duties:

Duties can be split using the Plan | Duties | Duty Edit | Split Duty function.

This operation can be done at any phase of a Duty (for example Scheduled, Operational or in Arbitration):

  • Select Plan from menu
  • Select Duties from sub menu
  • Select the duty that you wish to split, by selecting SEL
  • Select Duty Edit from the toolbar
  • Select Split Duty from the toolbar. The following screen will be displayed:

  • Enter a new finish time for the Old Duty Times (which will become the start time for the New Duty)
  • If you need to enter any Duty Info, select > and complete the details
  • Make any changes necessary to the two duties - i.e. the employee, their hour types, pay levels and break times
  • Select Save Record to split the duty and save the changes

Note: Before the record is saved, the Unpaid/Unbilled meal breaks will be automatically adjusted based on the number of hours assigned to the two duties in the split


  • A duty is 10 hours long and has a meal break of 1 hour (60 minutes).
  • The duty is split so that the current duty is altered to be 8 hours, with the remaining 2 hours being assigned to the new duty.
  • By default, the system will work out the meal breaks using the calculation as:
  • Current Duty (60 minutes/10 hours) * 8 Hours = 48 minutes
  • New Duty (60 minutes/10 hours) * 2 Hours = 12 minutes
  • If you aren’t happy with these new values, you will be able to manually adjust breaks