What should I do when an Employee leaves?

The following 0 min 6 sec clip explains how you should update an employee record when they leave your company

When an employee leaves, rather than delete their employee record, follow these steps:

  • Select Set Up | Employee
  • Navigate to the employee’s record using <Prev and Next>
  • Press the next to their record to open it
  • Select the HR tab
  • Update the Employment Dates - Date Left with their leaving date
  • Select Save

TIP: When you save your employees Date Left, a message is displayed on your screen. If the employee has no future transactions that are locked/closed, you will receive the message that you've traditionally received. It advises that the Employee Termination Date has been set. It also tells you that the employee will be removed from all duties, diary events, and contracts after the event.

If they have transactions that are locked/closed, a slightly different message is displayed on screen including the original text. It advises you that the Employee Termination Date has been set. It also tells you that the employee will be removed from all duties, diary events, and contracts after the event. Additionally, it tells you that the Employee could be in a locked or closed period that they will be removed from after this date

This is a good way of making you aware that those shifts or diary events that were contributing to a transaction within a locked/closed period will be impacted by the termination. If you have any outstanding monies or diary events that need to be logged in a previous transactions can be done before the termination. This will help you to ensure that they are picked up in the following period lock/close, rather than being removed completely.