How do I set up an Employee on the system?
The following 3 min 42 sec shows you how to set up an employee and assign them to a branch.
This 1 min 43 sec clip talks you through how to set up an employees pay information (See the Select the Pay Details tab - the following will be displayed: tab)
Setting up an employee involves focusing on three tabs with an employee’s record: a General tab, HR tab and Pay Details tab. We will look at each tab in turn.

Select Set Up | Employee to open the page:
The General tab will load. Follow the steps below to set up an employee:
- Complete the employees Home Branch Details. Branch is a mandatory field - you must select it from the dialog box that is loaded after selecting [...]
- Next, complete their Name and Address details
- If you wish to add their photograph to the record
- Select Add Picture
- Select Browse...
- Find the picture you wish to add and select Upload
- Now, complete their Next of Kin and Contact Details
- Finally, complete the General section of the page, paying particular attention to the PIN and Date Joined. The PIN can be automatically generated by selecting Next PIN. The Date Joined is the date that the employee joined
the organisation - Select Save (Once you have saved the details in the General tab, several more tabs will appear on the page)

Version Specific Content: This content is relevant to Timegate Web only.
Select the HR tab. The following will be displayed:
Enter the HR Information your company wishes to retain, by either selecting values from drop-down lists or by manually entering them.
When doing this, you should be aware of the Consent Given check box used to help maintain GDPR compliance. By default, it is not selected i.e. consent hasn’t been given. Fields that are deemed sensitive for the purposes of GDPR are disabled. If you wish to store sensitive information, you have to select the check box, enter the information and then detail where consent was given. This is stored in an audit trail. If it is selected and you wish to deselect it, all “sensitive” HR information will be irretrievably deleted.
Next, enter the Portal Settings. The Active? section refers to whether the individual has been set up to use the Employee Portal. Pick the Active? check box to activate the employee. Choose a Function Role from those available in the list. Select Not SetSend Portal Invite. This will send an email to the user with password details within it.
In the Employment dates, use the pop up calendars to set key date.
If there is any Contract history, enter this too
Select Save

Select the Pay Details tab - the following will be displayed:
- Enter the employee’s Pay Details, Absence Settings and Overtime Settings (the other details are not used as part of Timegate Web essential solutions)
- Select Save

- Pay Level - the default pay level that is used in the Duty Scheduling Checks to ensure that the correct level of employee is assigned to the Duty
- Pay Period - By default, this is weekly. This defines the period of time that pay is calculated over e.g. 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks or Monthly)
- Pay Summer Time? - The clocks move forward 1 hour meaning that the employee will actually work 1 hour less than scheduled. Therefore, if not paying this extra hour, leave this setting clear
- Pay Winter Time Hour? - Indicates whether to pay the Winter Time Hour when an employee is on a duty overnight and the clocks change into Winter Time
- Alternate Public Holiday Pay Multiplier - By adding a value in this field, you are configuring the system to override the bank holiday pay rules assigned to the site. For example if the employee worked a bank holiday on a site that attracted a double pay rate and in the field you enter 1, the employee will only receive a single pay rate for all bank holidays. if the value was changed to 3 then the employee would be paid triple time etc. regardless of the rules on the site
- Public Holiday Overrides Overtime - This option enables your business to choose whether Timegate Web does or does not bill to the customer the public holiday rate or the overtime rate. By default, in Timegate Web if a duty spans a normal day, into a public holiday, the overtime rate takes preference when billing, instead of the holiday rate. This option enables this to be changed so that the public holiday rate takes preference over the overtime rate