Where and how do I define the Site’s Check Calls?

The following 2 min 11 sec clip shows how to set up check calls within the Check Calls tab.

You can add check calls to a site from the Check Calls screen. This can be accessed from the Set Up | Sites page, under the Check Calls tab. You can set this up following the steps below:

  1. Select whether to have check calls in holiday periods, by picking Use Holiday Check Calls
  2. Select whether to create the calls when the screen view is saved by selecting Re-create Check Calls on Save
  3. Add times of the check calls in HH:MM format
  4. Select Save

Note: If you have Check Calls set up on a different site and want to use the same times, use the copy feature. To use this feature, display the Site that you need to add check calls to, click the Copy From button, select the Site you want to copy from, and click Save.