What are the different Question types?

Type   Description  Associated values



Answer will be in the form of a date. Depending upon the question, you may wish to specify a range of dates between which the date falls and validate answers between these dates (use Date From and Date To in order to do this)


  • Date From: Earliest date that you wish for users to enter. Dates older than this will not be valid
  • Date To: Latest possible date that you wish for users to enter. Dates any newer than this will not be valid
  • Allow Time Entry: Enables the user to enter a time value as well as a date


Email Address


Answer will be in the form of a valid email address


None - user will be presented with a field into which they will have to enter a valid e-mail address




Answer will be selected by the user from a list of answers that is selected using Select List


Select Scorable - if you wish to use this question to generate a score. The question takes the points values from the List itself, therefore, ensure you use a list with points allocated to it. If you do not wish to create a form with a score ultimately and don’t wish to use this question to generate points, leave disabled (default setting)

Select List - enter a text value then press the magnifying glass to open the Select Picklist window, from where you can choose which list you want to use for possible question answers. Create a new List in Admin | Forms | Lists



Answer will be in the form of a number. Depending on the question, you may wish to specify a range of numbers between which the number falls and validate answers between the two numbers (use Minimum Value and Maximum Value in order to do this)


Minimum Value: Smallest allowable number that the user can enter

Maximum Value: Largest number that you wish for the user to enter

Number (Two Places)


As Number, but to two decimal places


As Number, but to two decimal places



Answer will be in the format of a photograph taken with the user's smartphone/tablet/device





Answer will be in the format of UK Postcode






Answer will be in the form of a star rating e,g, 0 stars through 6 stars


Select Scorable - if you wish to use this question to generate a score. The system automatically assigns a value to the each rating depending upon the Minimum Rating and Maximum Rating values entered. If you do not wish to create a form with a score ultimately and don’t wish to use this question to generate points, leave disabled (default setting)

Minimum Rating: Smallest allowable star rating that the user can enter

Maximum Rating: Largest allowable star rating that you wish for the user to enter


Selection List


Multiple answers (maximum amount dictated by the value in Maximum Number of Items) can be selected by the user from a list of answers that is selected using Select List.


Select List - enter a text value then press to open the Select Picklist window, from where you can choose which list you want to use for possible question answers. Create a new List in Admin | Forms | Lists

Maximum Number of Items - enter the maximum number of items that the user can select as they work down the list




Signature on screen/using mouse




Telephone Number


A valid telephone number None

Template Image


The user will be presented with an image that they are able to draw upon. The result should be the combination of the image and the overlay entered on using a mobile device. For example, the schematic could be a car, where users can indicate areas of damage


Image - using the Select Template dialog box, select the image that you wish to use as a Template from those that have been defined. Create a new Template Image in Admin | Forms | Lists





Free form text string of a length between the Minimum Length and Maximum Length


  • Minimum Length: Smallest length that the text string can be
  • Maximum Length: Largest length that the text string can be




Boolean value (will produce a toggle on screen for the user to interact with - Yes/No)


  • Select Scorable - if you wish to use this question to generate a score. If you do not wish to create a form with a score ultimately and don’t wish to use this question to generate points, leave disabled (default setting)

  • If Scorable is selected, two new values are displayed on screen - Yes Points and No Points. Next to each value attribute the number of points that you wish to be used when calculating a score e.g. Yes Points 1 point, No Points 0 points. The maximum value for this field is 1, the minimum 0. Values can be entered to 2 decimal places