How do I check how tours for a duty have progressed/are progressing?

Like Incidents and audits, tours are viewed from within the Manage Service Desk screen in Timegate Web (Manage | Service Desk).You can filter the view using the search criteria, selecting tours based on their status. Individual tours can be selected to find out further information about progress.

Tours that are in progress are visible and are identifiable by selecting the In Progress check-box. The number of visited, not visited and failed Locations is denoted in a progress wheel at the bottom of the details panel.

All updates against a Tour are a status update (e.g. Started, Paused) or a Location update.

Clicking on an update in the list opens a new panel. This shows further details about the update, including a failure reason if the Location is failed and any attached media. Clicking on the media row opens a preview dialog.