How do I arbitrate from Site View?

The following 0 min 54 sec clip shows you how to arbitrate from within Site View:

From within the Site View (Plan | Site), you can arbitrate duties as follows:

  1. Select the duty to be arbitrated (unarbitrated duties are displayed in purple)
  2. Once the duty is selected, there are three options for editing it:
    • Double-click on the duty within the grid with the left-hand mouse button
    • Right-click on the duty within the grid and select Edit a Duty
    • Select the duty within the grid and select Edit a Duty in the button bar
  3. Enter the Actual Pay and Bill values (Start Date, Start Time, Finish Date, Finish Time) along with the Hour Type and Pay Level. Alternatively, you can select Copy Operational to copy the details across into these fields
  4. Select Arbitrate Duty
  5. Select Save