Setup: Sites - Services

How to get there: Set Up | Sites | Services

From the Site Services tab, the user can Add both Services, Tours and Audits to a site.

By adding a Service, the user is allocating a Service Profile or series of Service Profiles to the site. These Service Profiles comprise a number of Incident Types that will be displayed on the Employees App at the selected date defined within the profile.

When adding a Tour to the site, the user is taking a series of one or more Locations and combining them together. Multiple Tours can be added to a site. Additionally, Tours can be scheduled from this screen. A variety of options enable you to schedule on a monthly, weekly, daily or hourly basis with a variety of different settings to configure that ensure your scheduling meets with your business needs. Tours are available to users for their selection, when they use the Employee App Tours functionality.

When adding an Audit to a site, the user is taking a series of one or more Locations and combining them together. Multiple Audits can be added to a site. Additionally, Audits can be scheduled from this screen. A variety of options enable you to schedule on a monthly, weekly or daily basis with a variety of different settings to configure that ensure your audit scheduling meets with your business needs. Audits are available to users for their selection, when they use the Employee App Audit functionality.

For further information see:

  • Services - Setting up Service Profiles: Admin | Service | Service Profiles

  • Tours and Audits - Setting up Locations: Set Up | Sites | Locations

Note: This functionality is only available to those companies that license Service Delivery. If you would like to use this functionality, contact your TEAM Software representative for further information.

Site Services Tab

Screen Layout

The screen when loaded comprises two areas, the Services and Tours parts of the screen. These are detailed below in their own sections, after the main screen actions have been detailed.


Screen Actions


Select to save site changes

Delete Site

Select to delete the site from the system. A confirmation pop-up will be shown confirming the deletion which will remove all duties for the Site from the system


Select to revert to the unsaved state

Site View

Select to open the Site View screen for the site

View Branch

Select to open the Branch screen for the site

View Customer

Select to open the Customer screen for the site

View Site Group

Select to open the Site Group screen for the site

View Site Budget

Select to open the Site Budget screen for the site

Site Events

Select to open the Events Search for the site

Services Tab

From this part of the screen, Services are allocated to the site

Screen Layout and Fields


Effective Date

Date that the particular service profile comes into effect for the site - there can be multiple profiles with multiple effective dates


Name of the service profile


Description of the service profile

User Name

Name of user who has assigned the service profile to the site

User Description

Description of the assignee (user)

Date Last Updated

Date that the profile was last updated

Screen Actions

Add Service

Select Add Service to add a Service Profile to the site. See Adding a Service Profile to a
for more information

Adding a Service Profile to a Site

Having created a service profile (See Admin | Service | Service Profile) select Add Service to add it to the Site. The following screen will be displayed:


Enter an Effective Date (in DD/MM/YYYY) format that the service profile will come into effect

Select the Service (select [...]) to load the following screen:


Select the profile Name from the list. Use < Prev and Next> to navigate as necessary. Alternatively enter a keyword and select Search to find the profile if it is not on the displayed screen.

Once selected, the screen returns to the previous screen.

Select Save. The profile has now been added to the site

Note: When allocating Services Profiles to a Site, A Service Profile can be linked to many sites at the same time, but a Site can only have a maximum of one "active" Service Profile against a site at any time. You can add multiple different Service Profiles to a Site that will come into effect on dates in the future, however, when the new Service Profile comes into effect, it replaces the incumbent, and does not run in parallel with it as it is not possible to have more than one Service Profile associated to a Site.

Tours Tab

From this part of the screen, Tours are created/edited for the site, using sequenced combinations of the previously defined locations that have been created in the Set Up | Location.

Screen Layout and Fields



Name of the tour


Description of the tour


Number of locations within the tour


When selected (indicated by a tick), the tour will be active. Tours are only visible to employees when they are active.

Screen Actions

+ Add Tour

Select + Add Tour to add a tour to the site. See Adding a Tour to a Site for more information


Select an existing tour to see its contents in full on a new screen. From the screen, the user can also edit and save changes to the tour

Adding a Tour to Site

Having created a series of locations (See Sites | Location) select +Add Tour to create a tour and make it available to the Site. The tour screen comprises five sections - Tour Details, Scheduling, Alerting, Location List and Tour Locations (as illustrated in the Screen Layout and Fields sections below)

To create the tour and add it to the site, the user:

  • Enters the Tour Details including whether they wish to set up a schedule and alerting

  • As required, enters the Scheduling information (to schedule at a monthly, weekly, daily or hourly level)

  • As required, enters any alerting information such as the target audience for the alerts along with the message that is to be sent

  • Drags and drops the desired, available locations from the Location List onto the Tour Locations list

  • Tour Locations are then sequences as required (again this is drag-and-drop)

  • Finally, the user Saves their tour

Screen Layout and Fields

Add Tours screen


Details of each field are documented beneath the various screenshots of each section that are documented below ( note that the Tour Details and Scheduling details from above have been expanded out for the screenshots below.

Tour Details



Mandatory - Name of the tour


Description of the tour

Expected Duration (mins)

Anticipated number of minutes to complete the tour

Flexible Tour

Tours can be flexible or sequential, in that users will have to complete them in any order (flexible), or the order shown in the Tour Locations part of the screen (sequential)

Randomise Tour

Select to make a tour can be randomised. Randomised tours are tours that Timegate Web automatically randomises the order of the locations for. The employee should complete in the order presented to them. This is a great safety feature - the employee will complete the same tour on a nightly basis, but in a random order, not an order of their choice (as per flexible tours) or sequential (as in the same predefined order everyday).

Pay Level

Use this option to select the  Pay Level  that you wish to attach to the tour (if any). Select    to be presented with the following window:


Select the Pay Level you wish to attach. Only people with the given Pay Level will be able to see the tour. If no Pay Level has been selected, everyone will be able to see the tour regardless of their Pay Level.


Enable scheduling for the tour on a regular basis (e.g. monthly, weekly, daily, hourly) - opens a new panel at the bottom of the screen to complete

Enable Missed Tour Alerting

Select to Enable Missed Tour Alerting. As required, enter any Missed Tour Alerting information such as the target audience for the alerts along with message. See below for more information about the various options available when this is selected.

Enable Completed Tour Alerting

Select to Enable Completed Tour Alerting. Enter any Completed Alerting information such as the target audience for the alerts along with message. See below for more information about the various options available when this is selected.

Touch and Go

Select to enable Touch and Go functionality upon the tour. This option caters for more basic and rapid NFC tag scanning. When selected, a successful adhoc NFC tag scan will result in the respective tagged location being flagged as completed, without the user being navigated to as per standard structured tours.


Select a Form for use on the tour. If Scorable and required, Enable Missed Tour Alerting and/or Enable Completed Tour Alerting can be enabled. Additionally, you may wish to alert for Passed and Failed tours.

Enable Passed Tour Form Alerting

Select to enable. As required, enter any Passed Form Alerting information such as the target audience (be that an escalation group or contacts) and associated message template. See below for more information about the various options available when this is selected.

Enable Failed Tour Form Alerting

Select to enable. As required enter any Failed Form Alerting information such as the target audience (be that an escalation group or contacts) and associated message template. See below for more information about the various options available when this is selected.


When selected the tour will be active (default value). Tours are only visible to employees when they are active. When a user is accessing their Tours on their Android or iOS device, Tours are shown as illustrated below - initially all available, active Tours will be shown under the Not Started section of the screen:



Enter any notes for the employee to see for the given location as the tour progresses


The selection that a user makes in terms of Recurrence Pattern has an impact upon the content of the Scheduling part of the screen. The screenshots for Monthly, Weekly, Daily and Hourly are shown in the sections below:



Recurrence Pattern

Select the recurrence pattern from the list of available choices:

  • Monthly (Selected in this instance)

  • Weekly

  • Daily

  • Hourly

Start Date

Date the schedule will commence (in DD/MM/YYYY format) in this example 09/11/2018

Day ___ every ___ month(s)

When scheduling on a monthly basis, either Day ___ every ___ month(s) or The ___ ___ of every ___ month(s) must be selected. If Day ___ every ___ month(s) is selected, a Day (1 - 31) must be entered along with the frequency of the tour in months e.g. 3 months. In the example above, if Day ___ every ___ month(s) were selected, the tour would run on the 31st of the month, every two months.

note if the date is not available during the month (e.g. 30 or 31 in February) the tour will be available for employees doing the appropriate duty on the last available date of the month before the requested date.

The ___ ___ of every ___ month(s)

When scheduling on a monthly basis, either The ___ ___ of every ___ month(s) or  Day ___ every ___ month(s) must be selected. If The ___ ___ of every ___ month(s) is selected, an instance (i.e. First to Fourth) and day of the week (i.e. Monday to Sunday) along with the frequency of the tour in months e.g. 3 months. In the example above, the tour will be available for employees doing the appropriate duty on the first Monday of the month, every two months starting at the next available first Monday of the month after the 09/11/2018


Time of the day in HH:MM format for the tour


Pre-time in minutes/hours/days/weeks (depending upon selection from drop-down list) before the Due time that the tour is made available to employees to see in the app when they are on an appropriate duty


Post-time in minutes/hours/days/weeks (depending upon selection from drop-down list) after the Due time that the tour remains available to employees to see in the app when they are on an appropriate duty



Recurrence Pattern

Select the recurrence pattern from the list of available choices:

  • Monthly

  • Weekly (Selected in this instance)

  • Daily

  • Hourly

Start Date

Date the schedule will commence (in DD/MM/YYYY format) in this example 09/11/2018


Mandatory field - select the day(s) of the week that the tour is to be run. In this example, the tour will run every Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday


Time of the day in HH:MM format for the tour

Pre (Mins)

Pre-time in minutes/hours/days/weeks (depending upon selection from drop-down list) before the Due time that the tour is made available to employees to see in the app when they are on an appropriate duty

Post (Mins)

Post-time in minutes/hours/days/weeks (depending upon selection from drop-down list) after the Due time that the tour remains available to employees to see in the app when they are on an appropriate duty

Every ___ week(s)

The pattern in terms of week, select number e.g. 1 week(s), for weekly, 2 week(s) for every two weeks



Recurrence Pattern

Select the recurrence pattern from the list of available choices:

  • Monthly

  • Weekly

  • Daily (Selected in this instance)

  • Hourly

Start Date

Date the schedule will commence (in DD/MM/YYYY format) in this example 09/11/2018


Select the days of the week to schedule the tour - select either a single day or multiple days from Sunday through Saturday


Time of the day in HH:MM format for the tour


Pre-time in minutes/hours/days/weeks (depending upon selection from drop-down list) before the Due time that the tour is made available to employees to see in the app when they are on an appropriate duty


Post- -time in minutes/hours/days/weeks (depending upon selection from drop-down list) after the Due time that the tour remains available to employees to see in the app when they are on an appropriate duty



Recurrence Pattern

Select the recurrence pattern from the list of available choices:

  • Monthly

  • Weekly

  • Daily

  • Hourly (Selected in this instance)

Start Date

Date the schedule will commence (in DD/MM/YYYY format) in this example 09/11/2018

+ Add Times

Add an extra time to the rule. Once selected, the times can be allocated for the rules in the format of ___ to ___  every ___ hour(s). The ___ to ___ are times that are entered in a HH;MM format. The Every ___ Hour(s) dictates how regularly within the timespan a tour is run.

In the example above, in the first time slot, there are two rules. The first rule is from 00:00 to 05:59. Every hour from 00:00 to 05:59, a tour will take place. The second rule is specified between 06:00 to 20:00. Therefore every 5 hours between 06:00 and 20:00. the second rule will come into affect, which will mean that a tour will run every 5 hous from that point forwards

+ Add rule

Add an extra rule, from within which times can set - the rule will comprise a selection from the days of the week

In the above example, the first rule is scheduled for week days from Monday through Firday (as shown by the date indicator)

The second rule is scheduled to operate at weekends - Saturday and Sunday


Pre-time in minutes/hours (depending upon selection from drop-down list) before the defined time that the tour is made available to employees to see in the app when they are on an appropriate duty


Post-time in minutes/hours (depending upon selection from drop-down list) after the defined times that the tour remains available to employees to see in the app when they are on an appropriate duty

+ Add Times

Add an extra time to the rule. Once selected, the times can be allocated for the rules in the format of ___ to ___  every ___ hour(s)

+ Add rule

Add an extra rule, from within which times are set - the rule will comprise a selection from the days of the week

Delete icon

Remove the Times and Rules associated with it

Completed Tour Alerting


User Alerting

Select to enable user alerting when a tour is completed

Escalation Group

Select to use the Derived Escalation Group i.e. the default escalation group

Escalation Group

Select to define an escalation group (using the Email Template option below)

Escalation Group

Select the Escalation Group that you wish to use (when Define Escalation Group is selected)

Email Template

Select the Email Template that you wish to use to send emails to the defined escalation group if the option has been selected, when a tour is completed. Select [...] to choose. Use Clear to remove link

Contact Alerting

Select to enable alerting to your Contacts

Email Template

Select the Email Template that you wish to use to send emails to your Contacts if the Contact Alerting option has been selected, when a tour is completed. Select [...] to choose. Use Clear to remove link

Missed Tour Alerting


User Alerting

Select to enable user alerting when a tour is missed

Escalation Group

Select to use the Derived Escalation Group i.e. the default escalation group

Escalation Group

Select to define an escalation group (using the Email Template option below)

Escalation Group

Select the Escalation Group that you wish to use (when Define Escalation Group is selected)

Email Template

Select the Email Template that you wish to use to send emails to the defined escalation group if the option has been selected, when a tour is missed. Select [...] to choose. Use Clear to remove link

Contact Alerting

Select to enable alerting to your Contacts

Email Template

Select the Email Template that you wish to use to send emails to your Contacts if the Contact Alerting option has been selected, when a tour is missed. Select [...] to choose. Use Clear to remove link

Passed Tour Form Alerting

User Alerting

Select if you wish for users to receive a message if the tours form is passed

Derived Escalation Group Select to use the Derived Escalation Group i.e. the default escalation group
Define Escalation Group Select to define an Escalation Group (using the Email Template option below)
Escalation Group Select the Escalation Group to alert when the tours form is passed
Email Template

Select the Email Template that you wish to use to alert escalation groups with, when the tours form is passed

Contact Alerting Select if you wish for contacts to receive alerts when the tours form is passed
Email Template Select the Email Template that you wish to use to contacts with, when the tours form is passed

Failed Tour Form Alerting

User Alerting

Select if you wish for users to receive failed formr alerts

Derived Escalation Group

Select to use the Derived Escalation Group i.e. the default escalation group

Define Escalation Group

Select to define an Escalation Group (using the Email Template option below)

Escalation Group

Select the Escalation Group to alert when the tours form is failed

Email Template

Select the Email Template that you wish to use to alert escalation groups with, when the tours form is failed

Contact Alerting

Select if you wish for contacts to receive alerts when tours the tours form is failed

Email Template

Select the Email Template that you wish to use to contacts with, when tours the tours form is failed

Locations List

Location List

Locations that have been configured. Drag and drop onto the Tours Locations to include within the tour. use the search options to locate locations as required

Tour Locations

Tour Locations

Locations that have been selected to include within the tour. They can be dragged up and down the list in order to sort the order that they are visited in to make up the tour.

To remove them from the tour, drag the location back to the Location List from the Tour Locations list

Pencil icon

Select to view and edit Tour Location Details. When selected, the following will be load:


To add Notes to the site, enter them in the Notes box for this tour. These Notes can be optionally viewed or set to display on screen by default (see next bullet point)

To force employees on the tour to view the Notes that have been entered, select Force Notes. Selecting this option ensures that when the user arrives at a location, the notes are automatically displayed on the screen for reading within the Timegate Web Employee App.

If you wish to set up a tour that includes one or more locations where you want to remove the option for employees to fill a given form. whilst retaining the ability to compete it at other locations on a tour, you can do this by selecting Disable form questions for each individual location where you do not wish to show the questions from the form on the tour.

Select Save

Screen Actions


Select to go back to Site | Services without saving changes


Select to Save the tour


Select to make a copy of the Tour. The copy will created and it’s Name changed to have “- Copy” at the end e.g. Main Site Tour would be copied as Main Site Tour - Copy. Modify the tour as needed and then select Save to create the new copy. The copy will be displayed in the Tours section of Set Up | Sites | Services


Select multi-language support options (if configured) from the drop-down menu

Select to delete the tour. Note: The tour definition can only be deleted if it has not been used for a tour by the time of deletion.

Location List

Drag-and-drop locations from the list onto the Tour Locations part of the screen to make them part of the tour

Tour Locations

Drag-and-drop locations to resequence the order of the tour. Alternatively, drag-and-drop the location back onto the Location List to remove it from the tour

Audit Tab

From this part of the screen, audits are created/edited for the site, using sequenced combinations of the previously defined locations that have been created in the Set Up | Location.

Screen Layout and Fields


Name of the audit


Description of the audit


Number of locations where the audit is used


When selected (indicated by a tick), the audit will be active. Audits are only visible to employees when they are active.

Screen Actions

+ Add Audit

Select + Add Audit to add a tour to the site. See Adding an Audit to a Site for more information


Select an existing audit to see its contents in full on a new screen. From the screen, the user can also edit and save changes to the audit

Adding an Audit to a Site

Having created a series of locations (See Sites | Location) select +Add Audit to create an audit and make it available to the Site. The Audit screen comprises five sections - Audit Details, Scheduling, Alerting, Location List and Audit Locations (as illustrated in the Screen Layout and Fields sections below)

To create the Audit and add it to the site, the user:

  • Enters the Audit Details including whether they wish to set up a schedule and alerting

  • As required, enters the Scheduling information (to schedule at a monthly, weekly, or daily level)

  • As required, enters any alerting information such as the target audience for the alerts along with the message that is to be sent

  • Drags and drops the desired, available locations from the Location List onto the Audit Locations list

  • Audit Locations are then sequences as required (again this is drag-and-drop)

  • Finally, the user saves their audit

Screen Layout and Fields

Add Audits screen

Details of each field are documented beneath the various screenshots of each section that are documented below ( note that the Audit Details and Scheduling details from above have been expanded out for the screenshots below.

Audit Details


Mandatory - Name of the Audit


Description of the Audit

Flexible Audit

Audits can be flexible or sequential, in that users will have to complete them in any order (flexible), or the order shown in the Audit Locations part of the screen (sequential)

Randomise Audit

Select to make an audit can be randomised. Randomised Audits are audits that Timegate Web automatically randomises the order of the locations for. The employee should complete in the order presented to them. This is a great safety feature - the employee will complete the same Audit on a nightly basis, but in a random order, not an order of their choice (as per flexible audits) or sequential (as in the same predefined order everyday).

Pay Level

Use this option to select the  Pay Level  that you wish to attach to the Audit (if any). Select    to be presented with the following window:


Select the Pay Level you wish to attach. Only people with the given Pay Level will be able to see the audit. If no Pay Level has been selected, everyone will be able to see the Audit regardless of their Pay Level.


Enable scheduling for the Audit on a regular basis (e.g. monthly, weekly, daily, hourly) - opens a new panel at the bottom of the screen to complete

Enable Missed Audit Alerting

Select to Enable Missed Audit Alerting. As required, enter any Missed Audit Alerting information such as the target audience for the alerts along with message. See below for more information about the various options available when this is selected.

Enable Completed Audit Alerting

Select to Enable Completed Audit Alerting. Enter any Completed Alerting information such as the target audience for the alerts along with message. See below for more information about the various options available when this is selected.


Select a Form for use on the Audit. If Scorable and required, Enable Missed Audit Alerting and/or Enable Completed Audit Alerting can be enabled. Additionally, you may wish to alert for Passed and Failed Audits.

Enable Passed Audit Form Alerting

Select to enable. As required, enter any Passed Form Alerting information such as the target audience (be that an escalation group or contacts) and associated message template. See below for more information about the various options available when this is selected.

Enable Failed Audit Form Alerting

Select to enable. As required enter any Failed Form Alerting information such as the target audience (be that an escalation group or contacts) and associated message template. See below for more information about the various options available when this is selected.


When selected the audit will be active (default value). audits are only visible to employees when they are active


Enter any notes for the employee to see for the given location as the audit progresses


The selection that a user makes in terms of Recurrence Pattern has an impact upon the content of the Scheduling part of the screen. The screenshots for Monthly, Weekly, and Daily are shown in the sections below:


Recurrence Pattern

Select the recurrence pattern from the list of available choices:

  • Monthly (Selected in this instance)

  • Weekly

  • Daily

Start Date

Date the schedule will commence (in DD/MM/YYYY format) in this example 09/01/2021

Every ___ month(s)

Select the interval between audits in terms of months


Recurrence Pattern

Select the recurrence pattern from the list of available choices:

  • Monthly

  • Weekly (Selected in this instance)

  • Daily

Start Date

Date the schedule will commence (in DD/MM/YYYY format) in this example 09/01/2021

Every ___ month(s)

Select the interval between audits in terms of months



Recurrence Pattern

Select the recurrence pattern from the list of available choices:

  • Monthly

  • Weekly

  • Daily (Selected in this instance)

Start Date

Date the schedule will commence (in DD/MM/YYYY format) in this example 09/01/2021


Select the days of the week to schedule the audit - select either a single day or multiple days from Sunday through Saturday

Start Time

Time of the day in HH:MM format for the audit to start

End Time

Time of the day in HH:MM format for the audit to start

Completed Audit Alerting


User Alerting

Select to enable user alerting when an audit is completed


Escalation Group

Select to use the Derived Escalation Group i.e. the default escalation group


Escalation Group

Select to define an escalation group (using the Email Template option below)

Escalation Group

Select the Escalation Group that you wish to use (when Define Escalation Group is selected)

Email Template

Select the Email Template that you wish to use to send emails to the defined escalation group if the option has been selected, when an audit is completed. Select [...] to choose. Use Clear to remove link

Contact Alerting

Select to enable alerting to your Contacts

Email Template

Select the Email Template that you wish to use to send emails to your Contacts if the Contact Alerting option has been selected, when an audit is completed. Select [...] to choose. Use Clear to remove link

Missed Audit Alerting


User Alerting

Select to enable user alerting when an audit is missed


Escalation Group

Select to use the Derived Escalation Group i.e. the default escalation group


Escalation Group

Select to define an escalation group (using the Email Template option below)

Escalation Group

Select the Escalation Group that you wish to use (when Define Escalation Group is selected)

Email Template

Select the Email Template that you wish to use to send emails to the defined escalation group if the option has been selected, when an audit is missed. Select [...] to choose. Use Clear to remove link

Contact Alerting

Select to enable alerting to your Contacts

Email Template

Select the Email Template that you wish to use to send emails to your Contacts if the Contact Alerting option has been selected, when an audit is missed. Select [...] to choose. Use Clear to remove link

Passed Audit Form Alerting

User Alerting

Select if you wish for users to receive a message if the audits form is passed

Derived Escalation Group Select to use the Derived Escalation Group i.e. the default escalation group
Define Escalation Group Select to define an Escalation Group (using the Email Template option below)
Escalation Group Select the Escalation Group to alert when the audits form is passed
Email Template

Select the Email Template that you wish to use to alert escalation groups with, when the Audits form is passed

Contact Alerting Select if you wish for contacts to receive alerts when the audits form is passed
Email Template Select the Email Template that you wish to use to contacts with, when the audits form is passed

Failed Audit Form Alerting

User Alerting

Select if you wish for users to receive failed formr alerts

Derived Escalation Group

Select to use the Derived Escalation Group i.e. the default escalation group

Define Escalation Group

Select to define an Escalation Group (using the Email Template option below)

Escalation Group

Select the Escalation Group to alert when the audits form is failed

Email Template

Select the Email Template that you wish to use to alert escalation groups with, when the audits form is failed

Contact Alerting

Select if you wish for contacts to receive alerts when audits the audits form is failed

Email Template

Select the Email Template that you wish to use to contacts with, when audits the audits form is failed

Locations List


Location List

Locations that have been configured. Drag and drop onto the Audits Locations to include within the audit. use the search options to locate locations as required

Audit Locations


Audit Locations

Locations that have been selected to include within the audit. They can be dragged up and down the list in order to sort the order that they are visited in to make up the Audit.

To remove them from the audit, drag the location back to the Location List from the Audit Locations list

Pencil icon

Select to view and edit Audit Location Details. When selected, the following will be load:


To add Notes to the site, enter them in the Notes box for this Audit. These Notes can be optionally viewed or set to display on screen by default (see next bullet point)

To force employees on the Audit to view the Notes that have been entered, select Force Notes. Selecting this option ensures that when the user arrives at a location, the notes are automatically displayed on the screen for reading within the Timegate Web Employee App.

If you wish to set up an audit that includes one or more locations where you want to remove the option for employees to fill a given form. whilst retaining the ability to compete it at other locations on an audit, you can do this by selecting Disable form questions for each individual location where you do not wish to show the questions from the form on the audit.

Select Save

Screen Actions


Select to go back to Site | Services without saving changes


Select to Save the audit


Select to make a copy of the audit. The copy will created and it’s Name changed to have “- Copy” at the end e.g. Main Site Audit would be copied as Main Site Audit - Copy. Modify the audit as needed and then select Save to create the new copy. The copy will be displayed in the Audits section of Set Up | Sites | Services


Select multi-language support options (if configured) from the drop-down menu

Select to delete the audit. Note: The audit definition can only be deleted if it has not been used for an audit by the time of deletion.

Location List

Drag-and-drop locations from the list onto the Audit Locations part of the screen to make them part of the audit

Audit Locations

Drag-and-drop locations to resequence the order of the audit. Alternatively, drag-and-drop the location back onto the Location List to remove it from the audit