Setup: Contacts - General

How to get there: Set Up | Contacts | General

From this page, the Contact General tab, you are able to set up a new Contact. Your contacts can be assigned to a variety of things within Timegate Web including:

  • Customers

  • Branches

  • Sites

  • Incidents

  • Tours

  • Escalation Groups

Screen Layout and Fields


Last Name

Surname of contact (mandatory)

First Name

Forename of contact

Middle Name

Middle name (as applicable)

Job Title

The contact’s job title

Default Role

The default role of the contact - select from the drop down list. This value has been defined in the Admin | General | Other Settings | Contact Role


Select the contact type from either Customer or Other.

Note: If Other is selected, the contact is cannot be selected on a Site or for Customer. You may choose to use of Other (i.e. a non-customer contact) to capture information about a third-party contractor who is not limited to a single customer but may still be related to a site and customer.)


Customer Name selected from the drop down list. This list is populated with values of existing Customers (mandatory)

Customer History

History of which Customers the contact has been assigned to


Select to enable the contact for use elsewhere within Timegate Web

Portal Access

This is not an active field

Function Role

This is not an active field

Last Accessed

This is not an active field

Email Address

Contact’s email address


Contact’s telephone number


Contact’s mobile telephone number

Created Date

Date that the Contact record has been created

Created By

The name of the user that has created the Contact

Internal Notes

Any internal notes pertaining to the Contact

Screen Actions


Create a new contact

Select Contact

Select multiple contacts - this enables you to scroll through them using the arrow keys detailed below and modify as required

Select Customer

Select the customer associated with the contact


Save the contact


Delete the contact


Navigate between contacts (from left to right)

Down Arrow

When selected, displays a drop down list of those contacts you have already selected in order for you to quickly access their records, by selecting the name of the contact you are interested in