Setup: Contacts - Audit

How to get there: Set Up | Contacts | Audit

The Contacts Audit tab contains an archive of all of the changes that have been made to the given contact over time. It details who made the change, when, where and what the change was, along with the original value and the
new one.

Screen Layout and Fields


Created On

Date that the change was made


Name of user making the change


Where the change was made from


Description of the change being made

Old Value

Original value prior to editing

New Value

New value following the changes being made

Screen Actions


Create a new contact

Select Contact

Select multiple contacts - this enables you to scroll through them using the arrow keys detailed below and modify as required

Select Customer

Select the customer associated with the contact


Save the contact


Delete the contact


Navigate between contacts (from left to right)

Down Arrow

When selected, displays a drop down list of those contacts you have already selected in order for you to quickly access their records, by selecting the name of the contact you are interested in