Plan: Duties

How to get there: Plan | Duties

The different Duty related screens have a variety of purposes including searching for and editing duties over a date range by Branch, Customer, Site Group and Site. Additionally, duties can be searched for and edited by employee and type of duty. In this part of the guide, the following areas will be covered:

  • Searching for duties using the Duty Filter Wizard

  • The Duty Filter

  • Configuring the Duty Filter using the Configure Grid

Searching for duties using the Duty Filter Wizard

There are several different ways to search for duties using the Duty Filter Wizard which is launched when you open the ManageDuties or PlanDuties pages or select New Search on the Duty Filter page. These are by “Employees”, “Site”, “Date Range”, “Duty Types”, “Pay and Bill” and “Events”. Each of the following subsections looks at the various search options that can be found within their associated tabs from within the Duty Filter Wizard.


The default tab on the Duty Filter Wizard is Employees. This enables the user to search for duties assigned to a single or multiple employees. The All Employees radio button is already selected to quickly view all of the duties assigned to all of the employees but further search options in this tab are Employees in Branch and Selected Employees. Select, Add and Clear are disabled until either the search by Employees in Branch or the Selected Employees are selected.

Screen Layout and Fields


Screen Actions


Select to search for duties using the criteria defined

Menu bar

Select a filter name to access its options. Select from Employees, Sites, Date Range, Duty Type, Pay/Bill and Events

Employees Radio Buttons

Choose the filter required from the choice of three:

  • All Employees

  • Employees in Branch

  • Selected Employees


If Employees in Branch is selected Select becomes active. Select a Branch to filter duties


If Selected Employees is selected, Add becomes active. Select to add those employees that will be used to filter duties


Select to clear all search options selected

All Duties (No Groupings)

Choose how to group the results of the filtering. There are three choices:

  • All Duties (No Grouping) - the default value

  • All Duties/Diary Events (Grouped by Employee)

  • All Duties (Grouped by Site Card)


Screen Layout and Fields


Screen Actions


Select to search for duties using the criteria defined

Menu bar

Select the filter name to access its options. Choose from Employees, Sites, Date Range, Duty Type, Pay/Bill and Events

Sites Radio Buttons

Choose the filter required from the choice of four/five (depending on implementation):

  • All Sites

  • Sites for Branch

  • Sites for Customer

  • Sites for Site Group (only visible if Site Groups are used during system configuration)

  • Selected Sites

Select (Sites for Branch)

If Sites for Branch is selected, Select becomes active. Use this to Select a Branch/Branches to filter duties

Select (Sites for Customer)

If Sites for Customer is selected, Select becomes active. Use to Select a Customer/Customers to filter duties

Select (Sites for Site Group)

If Sites for Site Group is selected, Select becomes active. Use this to Select a Site Group to filter duties.

Note: This option is only available if Site Groups have been used in initial configuration of the system


If Selected Sites is selected, this button becomes active. Select to add those sites that will be used to filter duties


Select to clear all search options selected

All Duties (No Groupings)

Choose how to group the results of the filtering. There are three choices:

  • All Duties (No Grouping) - the default value

  • All Duties/Diary Events (Grouped by Employee)

  • All Duties (Grouped by Site Card)

Date Range

Screen Layout and Fields


Screen Actions


Click here to search for duties using the criteria defined

Menu bar

Click on the filter name to access its options. Select from Employees, Sites, Date Range, Duty Type, Pay/Bill and Events

Date Range Radio Buttons

Choose the filter required from the choice of three:

  • All Duties - within this date range

  • Only include duties which are within the

  • All duties past and present

Note: By using the “All duties past and present” option, all duties ever created on the system will be displayed. This can be very time consuming in terms of processing the information and may take a long term to run

Start & End Date (All Duties Within this Date Range)

When the All Duties Within this Date Range filter option has been selected, enter the date range using the start- and end-date drop-down calendar

Time Range (Only include duties which are within the)

When the Only include duties which are within the filter option has been selected, use the drop-down list to select one of the following options:

  • The Next 12 Hours

  • The Next 24 Hours

  • The Next 72 Hours

  • Next Week

  • Previous Week

All Duties (No Groupings)

Choose how to group the results of the filtering. There are three choices:

  • All Duties (No Grouping) - the default value

  • All Duties/Diary Events (Grouped by Employee)

  • All Duties (Grouped by Site Card)

Duty Types

Screen Layout and Fields


Screen Actions


Select to search for duties using the criteria defined

Menu bar

Select filter name to access its options. Choose from Employees, Sites, Date Range, Duty Type, Pay/Bill and Events

Duty Type Radio Buttons

Choose the filter required from the choice of three:

  • Ignore Duty Status (this is the default value which, will list all duties no matter what status they are at in the process)

  • Quick Arbitration

  • Include Duties Which Are


Quick Arbitration - check boxes

Use the check boxes to qualify the Quick Arbitration Duty Type filter. Multiple values can be selected to be added to the filter

Include Duties Which Are - check boxes

Use the check boxes to qualify the Include Duties Which Are Duty Type filter. Multiple values can be selected to be added to the filter. Those values that are used frequently are color coded so that they stand out onscreen for example Requires Arbitration and Open Posts. The values are as follows:

  • Filled Posts - duties with an employee assigned

  • Temporary - non-contracted duties i.e. temporary duties

  • Started - duties that have been started in Call Monitor but not finished

  • Requires Arbitration - duties that have failed automatic arbitration and need
    manual arbitration.

  • With Shift Check Failures - duties that have failed a Duty Check that
    can be overridden

  • Rate generated - historical duties that have been rate generated

  • Open Posts - duties that have no employee assigned to them

  • Confirmed - duties that show that employee have agreed their scheduled duties

  • Un-Confirmed - duties that haven’t been confirmed by the employee

  • Finished - duties that have finished in Call Monitor but are not set as Historical

  • Arbitrated - duties that have been arbitrated and set Historical but not rate generated

  • Passed all checks - duties that have not failed any Duty Checks

  • Manually Added - duties that have been manually added in Call Monitor and were not scheduled duties

  • RotaLoaded - contracted duties that have been copied from the Site Card or previous weeks in the schedule

  • Booked ON Manually - duties that have been booked ON manually in Call Monitor where, the call was taken outside of the pre-and post Book ON time window.

  • Booked ON Automatically - duties that have been taken automatically by the system when the call was due. This is a setting on the individual Site Card. To display this duty type then the setting must be ticked

  • Booked OFF Manually - duties that have been booked OFF manually in Call Monitor where the call was taken outside of the pre-and post-Book ON time window

  • Booked OFF Automatically - duties that have been taken automatically by the system when the call was due. This is a setting on the individual Site Card. To display this duty type then the setting must be ticked

  • Deleted - duties that have been deleted. These duties will be grayed out with a line passing through the duty

  • Flexible Posts - any flexible shifts that have been created

  • Approved - Duties that have been approved and locked normally

  • Un-Approved - Duties that have been un-approved and require locking

Note: When making a selection, ticking more than one box will modify the search. For example, if Open Posts and Confirmed Duties are selected, the search will display only Confirmed Open Posts, not all Open Posts and all Confirmed Duties.

All Duties (No Groupings)

Choose how to group the results of the filtering. There are three choices:

  • All Duties (No Grouping) - the default value

  • All Duties/Diary Events (Grouped by Employee)

  • All Duties (Grouped by Site Card)


Screen Layout and Fields


Screen Actions


Select to search for duties using the criteria defined

Menu bar

Select the filter name to access its options. Choose from Employees, Sites, Date Range, Duty Type, Pay/Bill and Events

Pay/Bill Radio Buttons

Choose the filter required from the choice of five:

  • Ignore Hour Types and Pay Levels

  • Only include duties with an hour type of

  • Only include duties with a pay level of

  • Only include duties with a Summary hour type of

  • Only include duties with an employee payroll run type of

Only include duties with an hour type of (Select)

If Only include duties with an hour type of is selected, this drop-down list becomes active. Click on it to select the hour type to filter duties by.

Only include duties with a pay level of (None)

If Only include duties with a pay level of is selected, this drop-down list becomes active. Click on it to select the pay level to filter duties by

Only include duties with a Summary hour type of (None)

If Only include duties with a Summary hour type of is selected, this drop-down list becomes active. Click on it to select the summary hour type to filter duties by

Only include duties with an employee payroll run type of (None)

If Only include duties with an employee pay roll type of is selected, this drop-down list becomes active. Click on it to select the employee pay roll type to filter duties by

All Duties (No Groupings)

Choose how to group the results of the filtering. There are three choices:

  • All Duties (No Grouping) - the default value

  • All Duties/Diary Events (Grouped by Employee)

  • All Duties (Grouped by Site Card)


Screen Layout and Fields


Screen Actions


Select to search for duties using the event name entered lower down the screen

Menu bar

Select the filter name to access its options. Choose from Employees, Sites, Date Range, Duty Type, Pay/Bill and Events

Event Name

Enter in the name of the event to filter by

All Duties (No Groupings)

Choose how to group the results of the filtering. There are three choices:

  • All Duties (No Grouping) - the default value

  • All Duties/Diary Events (Grouped by Employee)

  • All Duties (Grouped by Site Card)

The Duty Filter View

After a search has taken place, the Duty Filter view is displayed onscreen. From the Duty Filter view, the user can access the functions associated with duties in addition to seeing all duties that meet the criteria that was entered when initially searching for duties.

The Duty Filter view is shown below in it’s entirety. It comprises a menu, a summary banner and the duties. These are individually detailed below:


Summary Banner

Screen Layout and Fields

The Summary Banner shown below details the specifics of the search that was made using the Duty Filter Wizard:



Details of which employees are being searched upon


Details of which sites are being searched upon


Details of which events are being searched upon

Date Range

The date range that the search covers

Duty Types

Shows the duty type filters that apply to the search

Hour Types/Pay Levels

Shows the hour type and pay level filters that have been applied to the search

Total Duties

Number of duties overall

Total Diary Events

Number of diary events

Open Posts

Number of duties that have no employee assigned to them


Number of duties that have yet to be arbitrated


Number of duties that show that the employees have agreed their scheduled duties


Number of non-contracted duties

Screen Actions

Show only those working?

Tick this box to view only those duties currently being worked upon at that precise moment, not old duties or future ones. By clearing this box, the user will return to the previous view

Rows To Display

Select how many rows of duties to display on the screen between 10 and 200


The Difference filter enables the user to filter based on the time difference between the scheduled and worked hours. For example, to look at where there is up to a thirty-minute difference:

  • In the Difference box enter 00:30 (i.e. 30 minutes in HH:mm format)

  • Choose Less Than from the Less Than/Greater Than drop-down list

  • Press the Go button

The Duty Filter will display any duties that are under the contracted/scheduled hours by thirty-minutes.

To show duties over thirty-minutes use the same approach us outlined above, but choose Greater Than rather than Less Than in the Less Than/Greater Than drop-down list

 - Less than/Greater than

- Go

The Duty Filter Results

Screen Fields and Actions


Many of the fields within the Duty records can be clicked upon in order to access other records, such as the Site Card Record, Employee Record or Duty Record for the given duty. Details are listed below.

Note: All titles on this part of the screen can be clicked on to sort the Duty Records in ascending or
descending order.


The Site Identification Number. Click on it to view Site Card Record (for more information, see Setup | Sites | General Tab)

Site Name

The name of the Site. Click on it to view Site Card Record (for more information, see Setup | Sites | General Tab)


The employee’s unique personal ID. Click on it to see Employee Record (for more information, see Set Up | Employees | General Tab)


The employee’s surname. Click on it to see Employee Record (for more information, see Set Up | Employees | General Tab)

Middle Name

The employee’s middle name. Click on it to see Employee Record (for more information, see Set Up | Employees | General Tab)

First Name

The employee’s forename. Click on it to see Employee Record (for more information, see Set Up | Employees | General Tab)

Telephone Number

The employee’s telephone number. Click on it to see Employee Record (for more information, see Set Up | Employees | General Tab)

Mobile Number

The employee’s mobile telephone number. Click on it to see Employee Record (for more information, see Set Up | Employees | General Tab)

Employee Zone

The zone within which the employee works. Click on it to see Employee Record (for more information, see Set Up | Employees | General Tab)

Hour Type Code

The type of hours for the duty for example regular, overtime etc.

Pay Level Code

The pay level for the specific duty for example Security Guard Level 1, Administrator etc.

Operational Start

Scheduled start time for the duty. Click on it to see Duty Record (for more information, see Plan | Duty Edit | Times Tab)

Operational Finish

Scheduled end time for the duty. Click on it to see Duty Record (for more information, see Plan | Duty Edit | Times Tab)

Actual Start

The time the duty actually started based upon when the employee clocked on. Click on it to see Duty Record (for more information, see Plan | Duty Edit | Times Tab)

Actual Finish

The time the duty actually ended based upon when the employee clocked off. Click on it to see Duty Record (for more information, see Plan | Duty Edit | Times Tab)


The amount of hours that the duty is scheduled to take (the time elapsed between the operational start and operation finish time)


The amount of hours that the duty actually took (the time elapsed between the actual start and actual finish time)

Pay Hours

The number of hours that the employee will be paid for completion of the duty

Pay Rate

The standard hourly pay rate for the duty

Pay Extended

Total pay of the duty including items such as overtime


The difference between the Op. Hours and Ac. Hours


Click on it to select the duty/multiple duties ready for action with the menu buttons outlined in the next section

Duty Status

Status of duty for example Scheduled, Rate Generated etc.


Name of the location where the duty is being undertaken/has been completed

The Duty Filter Menu

Note: In order to use the menu functionality, select the record(s) to action before clicking on the menu button. To select an item, tick the Sel button for each record being actioned.

Screen Actions


New Search

Select New Search at the top of the screen to relaunch the Duty Filter Wizard


Select Refresh to update the view with the latest information

Duty Edit

Enables the user to edit the selected user. See Plan | Duty Edit | Times Tab for more details

Duty Delete

Select a duty and then select Delete Duty to delete it. Confirm the deletion, using the pop-up dialog box that is displayed

Swap Employees

Select two duties and then select this option to swap employees between shifts. See Plan | Duty Edit | Swap Employees for more details


Select when selecting multiple duties to edit their information.

The following dialog box is loaded when the icon is pressed (it looks similar to the Duty Info tab in Duty | Edit:


The dialog contains a form with seven editable text box fields (in some cases Supplier and Booking references may be hidden as they require extra user privileges).

The content of each text box can be:

  • Empty – All selected duties have empty records for that field.

  • Concrete value – All selected duties have the same value for that field.

  • “Multiple Values” – The selected duties have different values for that field.

Placing the cursor on any of the text boxes containing the “Multiple Values” place holder will cause a Clear button to appear.

When using Duty Info, it can also be used for deleting the value from the field.

If no changes are made the save action won't make any changes to that field on any of the duties.

Select Save to save the new values for each duty. This action applies changes to all duties.

Select X to cancel the operation

These items can be made mandatory for a given hour type, using the settings found in Admin | Finance | Hour Types

Assign Employee

Select a duty and select Assign Employee to assign an employee to a duty from a picklist. See Plan | Duty Edit | Assign an Employee for more details

Suitable Employee

Select a duty and select Suitable Employee to find a suitable employee for a duty from a list of options provided. See Plan | Duty Edit | Suitable Employee for more details

Diary Event Edit

See Plan | Monthly Diary | Diary Event for more details

Contact Details

Select to open a pop-up box that shows the employee telephone number, employee mobile telephone number and the site telephone numbers for the selected
duty record

Send Message

Select to send a message to the Employees on the selected Duties. Once clicked the following dialog box is displayed:


To send a message:

  • Select a template for the message

  • Select the type of message to send from the drop-down list (Email and SMS; Email or SMS (tries to send to email first); SMS or Email (tries to send to SMS first); SMS or Email)

  • Type in the SMS and/or Email message to send, using the merge fields as appropriate to customise for the recipient

  • Select Send

Note: If sending an SMS message, the amount of credits remaining is shown on the screen. To purchase more credits, speak to your TEAM Software representative


Select duty/duties and then press Approve to approve and lock them


Select duty/duties and then press Un-Approve to un-approve them

Configure Grid

Select Configure Grid to modify the way that the Duty records are shown within the grid displayed on the page. See section below for more details about configuring the view

Select All/Clear All

Select all Duty records or deselect all selections (the button toggles between Select All/Clear All). The amount of duties selected is shown in the window next to the Select All/Clear All button


Select Sel to select an individual Duty record

Click on Employee Details

Loads up the Employee’s details (for more information, see Set Up | Employees | General Tab)

Click on Site Details

Loads up the Site information (for more information, see Setup | Sites | General Tab)

Click on Duty Details

Loads up the details of the Duty in the Duty Edit view (for more information, see Plan | Duty Edit | Times Tab)

Page numbers

Select page numbers to navigate through the Duty records

Using Configure Grid to Customise Duty Filter View

Screen Layout and Fields

The Configure Grid button when pressed accesses a screen that is used to customise the columns displayed in the Duty Filter screen ensuring the content is relevant to the system user. The first time you enter the Configure Grid screen, you will see all the Visible Columns on the left and no Hidden Columns - an example of a configured screen is shown below:


Visible Columns

The area within which columns that will be displayed in the Duty Filter are dragged to

Hidden Columns

The area within which columns that will not be displayed in the Duty Filter are
dragged to

Screen Actions

Column Names

These names can be dragged and dropped between the two sides of the screen (the Visible Columns and the Hidden Columns).

The view is set up as follows

  • Using drag and drop, select the column names in the Visible Columns left hand box that you wish to hide from view and drag them into the Hidden Columns (the right hand box)

  • To change the sort order, select the Visible Columns with the left-hand mouse button. Holding the button, drag the columns into the desired place. Release the mouse button. Once the columns have been organized and include every item required to be displayed, select Save to keep changes


Select Reset to reset their configuration at any time


Select Save to keep changes