Monitor: Note Log

How to get there: MonitorNote Log or MonitorCallsNote Log

The Note Log is used to view, update and clear any notes created in the Call Monitor that are logged against Employees and/or Sites.

see Admin | General | Note Status for further information about configuring the various notes that are displayed in the note log

Screen Layout and Fields



Number of notes at the given point in time


Status of the note (values in here are dependent upon what has been defined in Admin | General | Note Status)


A description of what kind of note has been logged


Unique reference number for the note (the same number will be used if the note is logged against both an Employee and a Site)


Name of the Employee relating to the note


Site location where the note is logged against

Logged By

User ID of person creating the note


Date and time that the note was created


Date and time that the note was closed


An indicator to show that an alarm has been set to remind the user to action the note

Screen Actions

Actual Calls

Select to see All Calls. From the results, the Notes Wizard can be used to create a note for the Call if it has not already been raised

Taken Calls

Select to see Taken Calls

Open Calls

Select to see Open Calls


Refresh the view with the latest information

Attach Employee

Select a Site (tick the SEL check box) and then select Attach Employee in order to add an Employee to a Site note record. See the Attached Employee section below for more information

Edit Note

Select a note (tick the SEL check box) and then click Edit Note in order to make changes to the note. See the Edit Note section below for more information


Select the type of view (filter the notes shown on screen by the different pre-configured views) - these have been set up in Admin | General | Call Monitor Views 

Note Type

Select the type of note to view (filter the view by these different types of notes)

Include Employee Notes

Select to view both Employee and Site notes. If this is not ticked, only Site notes will be shown


Select to filter what type of notes are shown by their note status. The user can choose between All, Open, Closed or Pending

Reference ID/Search

Type in the unique reference ID for example 00000001 and then select Search to look for a specific note


Select the record

Click on Note

Select a note to see extra information about the note and add further comments

Select all (On this page)

Select all records on the given page

Clear All

Select to clear the ticks within the SEL field of selected records

Who field

Select Employee name under the Who heading to view the related Employee record

Where field

Select Site under the Where heading to view the related Site record

Alarm Clock Icon

Roll over the clock icon under the Alarm filed to see what time the alarm is set for

Page Number

Select page number to view the notes on that page

Attach Employee

Choose the Site that an Employee is to be attached to by selecting Sel

Select Attach Employee. The following screen will be displayed:


Select the Employee from the above screen.

To aid in finding an Employee’s name:

  • Use the <Prev or Next> buttons to scroll through the pages

  • Use the Branch drop-down list to filter

  • Enter a partial name in the Partial Search box and click the Search button

Note: If an Employee has already been added to a Site for a note the following error message is displayed
on screen:

Edit Note

In order to make changes to a Note select the Note (tick the SEL check box) and then click Edit Note in order to make changes as shown. Once changes have been made/comments have been added, select Save.


Adding Comments

To quickly add comments to a Note, select the Note from within the Note Log. This will bring up some further options in the Note Log as follows:


Enter comments as required, choose whether to update the linked notes and select Add Comment (which is no longer “grayed out” when a comment is typed into the Comments box.