Manage: Devices

How to get there: ManageDevices 

Devices View

The Devices View page is used to configure, view and group the various devices that can be used in conjunction with Timegate Web. Individual devices can be searched for using the collapsible search filter at the top of the screen,

Screen Layout and Fields


Device Type

From the selection, choose the type of device that you wish to add e.g. Face Go, Finger Scan etc.

Device ID

Unique identifier for the device

Device Group

Select a group (as applicable) for the device. These groups are set up in Admin | General | Other Settings | Device Groups

Site Group

Select the Site Group that the device is assigned to


Select the Site that the device is assigned to


Description of the specific device

Device Status

Shows whether the device is active or inactive

Screen Actions


Enter (any) search criteria in here and select

Select to start the search

Include Inactive

Select to include/exclude inactive devices from the search. By default, only active devices are shown

Device row

Select a row to view the device pop-up screen to view and edit the individual device selected. note that if you open a device that you do not have the correct security access to edit, the following message will be displayed “You can not edit this device because it is assigned to a site or site group you do not have access to”


Select to add a new device configuration (will launch the New Device pop-up screen ready to enter new device data into


Updates the screen

Device Pop-Up Screen

Screen Layout and Fields


Device ID


Device Type

From the selection, choose the type of device that you wish to add e.g. Face Go, Finger Scan etc.

Device Group

Select a group (as applicable) for the device. These groups are set up in Admin | General | Other Settings | Device Groups

Assign to location

When not selected, the field Default Location below is available for selection. If selected, the option to use Site Group is available instead of Default Location. By selecting Assign to Location, if when a device is used to log onto a duty, if the duty cannot be found (i.e. is ad hoc) it will be assigned to the Default Location. If the Default Location selected is configured with Auto Duty Create, all duties sent to the Default Location will be automatically created

Default location

The location (Site) that all duties without SINs (i.e. adhoc duties) will be directed

Use Site Group

Select to enable the Site Group option below. Otherwise, the Site option will be shown

Site Group

Select the Site Group that the device is going to be assigned to using the


Select the specific Site that the device is assigned to using the


Enter a description of the device here as applicable

Device Status

Select from Active, Inactive, Loss or Suspended

Connection method

For information only. Select from Connected by network cable, Connected by WiFi, Connected by SIM Card

SIM Number

For information only. The unique SIM Number on the SIM Card in the device (as applicable)

SIM Provider

For information only. The Service Provider of the SIM Card in the device (as applicable)

IP Address

For information only. The TCP/IP address for the device in format nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn

MAC Address

For information only. The MAC address for the device

Location Description

Enter a description of the location here as applicable

Screen Actions


Select to save your new device

Configuration of devices for use in locations with both scheduled and adhoc duties

Many customers find themselves in a situation, whereby they have lots of employees going through the doors to sign on at the same time. They do not want their employees to have to enter a SIN when booking onto duties. This is way too time consuming. Some of these duties are scheduled, whilst some are adhoc (employees turn up, swipe and expect duties to be created for them.) Historically, this would result in lots of arbitrations that would need actioning (i.e. those duties that do not exist would need creating). From 19.5 onwards, the way duties are processed through devices has been enhanced. Timegate Web can be set up so that if there is a scheduled duty for an employee, it will match to the site. If there is no scheduled duty, Timegate Web can, when configured correctly create a duty for the employee.

If a device has a default location rather than an assigned location, if a duty cannot be found for a PIN, it will be assigned to the default site location. If the default site location has been set up to auto duty create, a duty will be created. If the default location has not been set up to auto duty create, and a duty is not present for the employee, an arbitration will be created for the PIN at the default location.  

The Device can be set up to a Site Location using the Assign to Location option or can be left to a Default Location (Selected using the )