Service: Service Profiles

How to get there: Admin | Service | Service Profiles

From this page, service profiles can be viewed and defined ready for assigning to sites. Both Incident Types and Forms can be associated with the profiles.

For related information, also see: Admin | Service | Incident Types, Set Up | Sites | Services and Admin | Forms | Service Forms

Screen Layout and Fields



Name of the service profile



Description of the service profile



Select Active to make the service profile available. be aware that service profiles cannot be deleted from within the Web Client. Instead, should the user not wish to use a given service type, they should ensure that Active is not ticked


Screen Actions

Select Service Profile

Select the profile to view and edit it’s details


Select Add to create a new service profile. The following screen will be displayed:


Enter a Name and Description

Select whether the user is going to be presented with a Briefing to view when they go on their duty. By default this is not selected. A Briefing is a summary of all activities that have been recorded during the last twenty-four hours.

An example of a Briefing is as follows, whereby the user selects Briefing on their mobile device and is presented with a list of what has happened on site over the previous twenty-four hours. They will select Confirm to prove that they have read it:


When an employee views and then selects Confirm, this will be recorded against the duty (See Plan | Duty Edit | Service for more information.

Select whether GPS coordinate collection is going to be undertaken using the Heartbeat function. By default this is not selected. If enabled, GPS coordinate collection takes place on a regular basis as configured using Occurrence (mins).

If Heartbeat is selected, the Occurrence (mins) value is displayed - select an appropriate occurrence in minutes for the GPS coordination collection to take place (in the example above it will take place every thirty minutes).


Select the Branch that this is going to be allocated to using.

Select Save. The screen will update as follows:


  • Select Active

  • Select Save 

  • Select Add Effective Date. At this point the screen will expand as shown:

  • Select which Incident type(s) and/or which Form(s) you wish to allocate to the Service Profile - do this by selecting

  • Incident Types or Forms. Select your item of choice. This will generate the profile that will be displayed for the employee at the selected date. You can choose multiple items to add as Incident Types or (standalone) Forms

  • Select Save (under Effective Date)

  • You can add further effective dates and incident types and forms as necessary (Select Add Effective Date)

  • Select Save (Main record level)

  • Alternatively, select Back to revert to last saved state

Effective Date

Select the Effective Dates and their associated incident types from this drop-down list