Service: Location Types

How to get there: Admin | Service | Location Types

From within this part of the system, Location Types can be created, configured and updated.

Screen Layout and Fields


Location Type

Name of the location/type of the location


A tick indicates that the location is active for use elsewhere within the system. Locations cannot be deleted, so those that are to be used should be selected as active. Those that are not in use, should be deselected


Last Update Date

Date changes were last made to that location type

Screen Actions


Select to add a new location type. The following screen will be loaded:


To add a new location:

  • Enter the Location Type

  • Select/de-select Active as appropriate

  • Select Save

To revert back to previous state, without changing, select Back to go to the main screen

Location Type

Select a location type to open the details screen so that it can be edited (i.e. made active/inactive or renamed). The screen loaded for editing is the same as the Add Location Type screen.