Finance: Post Pay: Column Headings

How to get there: Admin | Finance | Column Headings

Column headings for the post pay table are configured from within this screen. There are three fields, a unique column number (where it will appear in the table), the column name (i.e. the description) and whether it is a pay column or not (ticked or not ticked) The key area for this are shown and detailed below.

Screen Layout and Fields


Column Number

Unique number for the column within the Post Pay Table for example 1, 2, 3 etc.

Column Name

Name of the column as it will appear in the Post Pay Table for example Regular Pay, Overtime Pay etc.

Pay Column?

Select to confirm whether the column is classified as a Pay Column or not

Screen Actions


Return to the finance menu page


Select to Save any changes to the Column Headings


Select New to create a Column Heading - when New is clicked, a new row within which to enter the new heading details will be shown on screen ready for completion


Select to revert back to the unsaved state - i.e. takes the user back to where they were when the Column Headings were last saved


Select the Bin Icon to delete the specific column heading