Engagement: Employee Portal: Theme

How to get there: Admin | Engagement | Theme

The look and feel of the Employee Portal can be changed to match with a company’s corporate branding. Some clients may run different trading names or branded services from one system, making it important that their employees can see the branding of the company that they work for. From within Portal Themes, branding is defined for Business Units.

see Setup | Business Unit for more information.

On opening this part of the system, a summary of the existing themes are shown. Either an additional new theme can be added, by clicking on the Add button, or an existing theme can be edited by clicking on its respective row.

Screen Layout and Fields


Name of the theme given to identify it

Business Units

The names of the Business Units that will use the theme

Is Default

When ticked, this indicates that the theme will be used by default where a Business Unit has not been defined within the Employee Portal URL


Screen Actions


Return to previous page


Select Add at the top of the screen to create a new theme


Select a row if you wish to view/edit an existing theme

Add or Edit a Portal Theme

By clicking either option, a screen will be shown that will allow the maintenance of the Portal Theme.

The screen is split into two areas. The settings are updated in the left hand side and a preview of the settings is shown
on the right.

Screen Layout and Fields


Choose a File

Click to select a logo to use

Upload Image

Click to upload the selected image


Name of the theme

Is Default

Indicates that the theme is used by default where no Business Unit is defined within the Employee Portal URL

Business Units

Press the [...] button to select the Business Units that will use the theme. A theme can also be selected from the Business Units screen and will also be shown here

see Setup | Business Unit for more information

Font Family

Press the square button to select the Font Family to use from the list:


All of the following color options are available by entering the # code is the space provided, or by selecting the square color preview buttons to the right:


Header background color

Top heading bar background color

Header color

Top heading bar text color

Bar background color

Announcement bar background color

Bar color

Announcement bar text color

Icon background color

Icon background color

Icon color

Icon text color

Main background color

Main background area color

Text color

Text color

Error color

Error message text color

Textbox color

Text field color

Notification background color

New item notification background color

Notification color

New item notification text color


Drop-down list of Square, Rounded or Circular icon shape


Screen Actions


Return to the theme summary


Save any changes


Delete theme